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Re: Egipto
Ya hasta los harbanos de los brofetas son - pendejos que los mexinacos.
Esa no es noticia.
Re: Egipto
aguas Felipillo:
EN Egipto las protestas continúan mientras los militares se quedan a su lado
Marco Longari/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Los manifestantes cantan consignas frente a tanques artillados en el Cairo este jueves »
Published: January 29, 2011
Single Page
CAIRO — Egipto permanece inundado en un quinto dia de protestas este sa adebo, pero el intento del dicta perdón presidiente Hosni Mubarak para rescatar su dictatorial gobierno de 30 años,.al despedir a todo su gabinete y al convocar al ejército parece que le salió el tiro por la culata, ya que las tropas y los manifestantes fraternizaron y convocaron a que el mismisimo presidiente renunciara
Interactive Map
Locating the Protests in Cairo
Violent Clashes on the Streets of Cairo
David Kirkpatrick talks about the close call he had while with Nobel laureate, Mohamed ElBaradei, the kinds of police on the streets in Egypt and the possible prospects for the Mubarak government.
Mubarak Orders Crackdown, With Revolt Sweeping Egypt (January 29, 2011)
While some protesters clashed with police, army tanks expected to disperse the crowds in central Cairo and in the northern city of Alexandria instead became rest points and even, on occasion, part of the protests as anti-Mubarak graffiti were scrawled on them without interference from soldiers.
“Leave Hosni, you, your son and your corrupted party!” declared the graffiti on one tank as soldiers invited demonstrators to climb aboard and have their photographs taken with them.
“This is the revolution of all the people,” declared the side of a second tank in downtown Cairo. Egyptian men all serve in the army, giving it a very different relationship to the people from that of the police.
The feared security police had largely withdrawn from central Cairo to take up positions around the presidential palace, with their places taken up by the army.
Following Mr. Mubarak’s demand in his late-night speech, the Egyptian cabinet officially resigned on Saturday. But there was no sign of letup in the tumult. Reports from morgues and hospitals suggested that at least 50 people had been killed so far.
In Ramses Square in central Cairo Saturday midday, protesters commandeered a flatbed army truck. One protester was driving the truck around the square while a dozen others on the back were chanting for President Mubarak to leave office. Nearby, soldiers relaxed around their tanks and armored vehicles and chatted with protesters. There were no policemen in sight.
In another sign that the army was showing sympathy for the demonstrations, in a different central Cairo square on Saturday a soldier in camouflage addressed a crowd through a bullhorn declaring that the army would stand with the people.
“I don’t care what happens,” the soldier said. “You are the ones who are going to make the change.” The crowd responded, “The army and the people will purify the country.”
Workers at the Alexandria morgue said they had counted more than 20 bodies from the last 24 hours of violence. Meanwhile, protests had started up again in the city. But there too, the demonstrators and the soldiers showed sympathy for one another. Demonstrators brought tea to the troops and had their pictures taken with them. Protesters walked by armored carriers unmolested with few signs of animosity. People gathered outside the morgue looking for their relatives. In the main hospital, there were a number of people lying wounded from live fire.
Cellphone service, cut off by the government on Friday, was partially restored although other elements of the communication shut down remained in force. The army moved to secure the Cairo International Airport on Saturday as the Associated Press reported that as many as 2,000 people flocked to the airport, many without reservations, in a frantic attempt to leave the country. International carriers reported delays and cancellations.
Television images showed slow moving traffic returning to Cairo’s bridges where pitched battles occurred the day before. Young men directed cars in places — filling a void left by the departure of nearly all police from the streets — as the sound of honking replaced the pop of rubber bullets and tear gas.
But the city remained on edge as tens of thousands of protesters gathered in central Cairo and army vehicles rolled through the streets. It remained unclear what new orders the army might receive as the government declared a new curfew for 4 p.m. on Saturday, or how its soldiers and officers might respond.
On Friday, with much of the nation in open revolt, Mr. Mubarak deployed the nation’s military, instituted an overnight curfew and imposed a near-total blackout on communications to save his authoritarian government…..
Re: Egipto
Originalmente publicado por ProjeKct 6 Ver postEn 1:24 ¿¿¿aplastan a dos cabrones??? ozu!!!
Originalmente publicado por Rafael Norma Ver postaguas Felipillo:
es imposible que algo asi suceda por mexico nuestro MARAVILLOSO PAIS, alla estamos hablando de DICTADURAS POR DECADAS ¡¡¡ de gente superjodida mas que en mexico de un control ferreo de la RELIGION y de unos gobiernos que siempre son los mismos y cada vez peores.
por alla la crisis economica no se pudo resolver mas que jodiendo mas a los jodidos y hoy ellos salen a la calle a morirse en la raya y no de hambre en su casa.
tunez ya cayo, egipto cancelo a su gobierno QUEDA EL PRESIDENTE ETERNO MUBARAK que crea un vicepresidente pero le alcanzara ?.
EN MEXICO LOS RICOS SON FELICES LOS DE CLASE MEDIA LA MAYORIA SON ACOMODATICIOS AHI LA LLEVAN LOS DE LA CLASE BAJA COMO SIEMPRE SABEN SORTEAR EL ASUNTO Y LOS DE EXTREMA POBREZA RECIBEN LOS APOYOS POR EL GOBIERNO FEDERAL ESTATAL Y MUNICIPAL y ademas tienen el apoyo de candidatos y partidos en cada eleccion que por ello son frecuentes y consiguen comida tinacos para vender leche despensas dinero empleos temporales y ahi la llevan.
saludos DON RAFA
pd.- el 30 de enero los sindicatos dizque reclamaran aumentos de alimentos - que ya se demostro que no es asi solo en alhgunos y por ello no se venden- y estan OBLIGANDO A IR ¡¡¡ amenazando a los trabajadores con 1-2-3 dias descontados por el patron , en el IMSS si van y faltan pierden estimulo de puntualidad de asistencia le rabajan el dia pierden prestaciones y hasta les rebajan vacaciones . UUFFFFFF. y asi en muchas empresas
pd2.- en mexico la ciudadania debe mostrarse razonable conciente y participativa no solo EN MANIFESTACIONES PACIFICAS Y QUE DEN RESULTADOS sino tambien en las urnas. en donde pueden aplastar a cualquiera ( la mayoria no va a votar ahi esta latente )Last edited by drmario50; 29-enero-2011, 13:28.agosto 2011: Aprueban ciudadanos a Calderón mejoría en economía, avances combate al narco.
Re: Egipto
Originalmente publicado por n3p Ver post
solo falta que renuncie el presidente, este ya corrio a los ministros, pero les puso un tapñon a la gente nombrando un vicepresidente SE CALMARAN ?.
saludos n3p
seguiremos foreando ...agosto 2011: Aprueban ciudadanos a Calderón mejoría en economía, avances combate al narco.
Re: Egipto
Qué AMÉRICA le quiere aprender"algo"
a los Egipcios
menos mal que el líder de la democracia y la libertadsabe que
nada sabe
Last edited by Rafael Norma; 13-febrero-2011, 06:12.