#Mexicanosnacidosparaperder @FelipeCalderon pretende acabar con narcos, cuando policía, ejército y gobierno están infiltrados @hrw @CNDH
With this neigbors, #Mexico doesn't need any enemies.
However, it seems @TheJusticeDept & @StateDept. are mistreating #Mexico with their fast & furious operations.
MORE THAN 60,000 people death but they don't count
Mexicans between the sword (U.S.A.) and the wall (@FelipeCalderon)
Una sola cosa importa: Aprender a ser perdedor
Émile Michel Cioran.
#Mexicanosnacidosparaperder @FelipeCalderon pretende acabar con narcos, cuando policía, ejército y gobierno están infiltrados @hrw @CNDH
With this neigbors, #Mexico doesn't need any enemies.
However, it seems @TheJusticeDept & @StateDept. are mistreating #Mexico with their fast & furious operations.
MORE THAN 60,000 people death but they don't count
Mexicans between the sword (U.S.A.) and the wall (@FelipeCalderon)
Una sola cosa importa: Aprender a ser perdedor
Émile Michel Cioran.