Juar, juar, juar...
A muchos mezquinos mexicanos que vendieron su voto por prometidos 500 varos depositados en tarjetas de Soriana, ¡los engañaron porque sólo les dieron cien!
¡Eso les pasa por culeros!
Lean esto del Washington Post, porque obviamente no fue publicado en Milenio ni en En Universal, ni mucho menos salió con López Dóriga. Lean:
“They told us they were worth 500 pesos ($37.50), but when we got to the check-out, they were only worth 100 rot-ten pesos ($7.50),” Salazar said.
Both she and her father said they had been told to turn in a photocopy of their voter ID card in order to get the gift cards.
Another woman interviewed outside the same Soriana grocery store also complained that her card had only 100 pesos ($7.50) in credit.
“For helping them with votes and all ... they gave us a card for supporting them, and all that for 100 pesos,” said the woman, who gave only her first name, Josefina, for fear of reprisals. She said she got the card for supporting Peña Nieto, but complained that “100 pesos lasts you about five minutes.”
Inside the store, long lines formed at card-reading machines as people tried to find the balances on their cards. Some grew angry and shouted insults against Peña Nieto. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/...sLW_story.html
¡Tengan, putos! Para que vuelvan a dejarse engañar por en puto PRI...
Juar, juar, juar...
A muchos mezquinos mexicanos que vendieron su voto por prometidos 500 varos depositados en tarjetas de Soriana, ¡los engañaron porque sólo les dieron cien!
¡Eso les pasa por culeros!
Lean esto del Washington Post, porque obviamente no fue publicado en Milenio ni en En Universal, ni mucho menos salió con López Dóriga. Lean:
“They told us they were worth 500 pesos ($37.50), but when we got to the check-out, they were only worth 100 rot-ten pesos ($7.50),” Salazar said.
Both she and her father said they had been told to turn in a photocopy of their voter ID card in order to get the gift cards.
Another woman interviewed outside the same Soriana grocery store also complained that her card had only 100 pesos ($7.50) in credit.
“For helping them with votes and all ... they gave us a card for supporting them, and all that for 100 pesos,” said the woman, who gave only her first name, Josefina, for fear of reprisals. She said she got the card for supporting Peña Nieto, but complained that “100 pesos lasts you about five minutes.”
Inside the store, long lines formed at card-reading machines as people tried to find the balances on their cards. Some grew angry and shouted insults against Peña Nieto. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/...sLW_story.html
¡Tengan, putos! Para que vuelvan a dejarse engañar por en puto PRI...