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  • #ManceraGiveMeABreak


    For those who didn’t know, on sunday, April 7th., 2013 the actress @LauraZapataM sent a twitter to #Mexico’s city mayor, @manceramiguelmx saying, well asking him to help her, as .the car owned by her son had been crashed and #manceratapadera answered the actress saying he had sent the information to the Public Safety Chief, @RodolfoRios

    Several minutes later, the pulbic safety secretary answered saying that the police officers were arriving to the zone, and four hours later, #manceratapadera twitted that the same Mexico City’s General Prosecutor, Rodolfo Rios was taking charge of the matter

    These is the conversation in Twiter:
    The main issue is that the @laurazapatam request and the immediate answer by @manceramiguelmx makes us to believe about that our public servants don`t hear anything from the common people, but only to those who have power links with massive media, or rich people.

    Once they had atended the actress’ son, she wrote on her Twitter account Thanks for your support, that’s the @Mexico I like!!!!!!!!!

    #GDF/@GOBFED only listens to those with economic power or those who own massive news media

    Rafael Norma
    Forista Turquesa
    Last edited by Rafael Norma; 15-abril-2013, 12:32.

  • #2
    Re: #ManceraGiveMeABreak

    La Zapata ha de ser la "nalguita" de Mensera...digo...Mancera...


    • #3
      Re: #ManceraGiveMeABreak

      tema repetido
      Rafael Norma
      Forista Turquesa
      Last edited by Rafael Norma; 16-abril-2013, 09:24.


      • #4
        Re: #ManceraGiveMeABreak

        ya está requete vieja pa que le guste. Sólo que le plazca desarrugar...

