#Tantita_vergüenza: @SEDENA_MX @SEMAR_MX @Potus: México no está haciendo NADA para ayudar a detener el flujo de inmigrantes ilegales hacia nuestra frontera sur… PURO HOCICO
@PacoBaca #ELUNIVERSAL_MX #Excelsior @Reforma @fmartinmorneo @RicardoAlemanMx @LaRazon_MX @LeFigaro_France @DerSpiegel @Guardian @GlobeAndMail #CON_LUPA
#Shame @ejercitoDMX :@Potus: Mexico is doing NOTHING to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants to our southern border They are all talk and no action
@PacoBaca #ELUNIVERSAL_MX #Excelsior @Reforma @fmartinmorneo @RicardoAlemanMx @LaRazon_MX @LeFigaro_France @DerSpiegel @Guardian @GlobeAndMail #CON_LUPA
#Shame @ejercitoDMX :@Potus: Mexico is doing NOTHING to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants to our southern border They are all talk and no action