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#In_Mexico, #Inpunity_Is_Legal

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  • #In_Mexico, #Inpunity_Is_Legal

    #In_Mexico, #Inpunity_Is_Legal

    Written by Denise Dresser

    @CartonCamacho @guardian @FT @LeMondeFr @DerSpiegel @Kremlin_E @ABC_Es @GlobeandMail @pridehoy

    26 Ene. 2015

    · In Mexico, Carlos Salinas’ unexplainable wealth, it is legal

    · That Raúl Salinas de Gortari’s brother collects comissions
    to grant government’s contracts, it is legal

    · That former governor of Coahuila @humbertomoreira· had embezzled that State it is legal

    · The exagerated number of real state properties owned by former governor @Arturo_Montiel,[/B] are legal

    · The kidnapping done by @arturo_Montiel’s children, preventing their own mother to see them, it is legal

    · That the government contracts will always be granted by direct adjudication, it is legal.

    · That the PRIvatization of state owned companies during 1980/1990 would benefit friends, instead of best operators, it is legal

    · That the former and deceased Minister of the interior, Juan Camilo Mouriño, had signed state contracts benefiting his family, when he was the president of the energy comission in the Chamber of Deputies, it is legal

    · That the Supreme Court has declared that violations of individual rights of Lydia Cacho were "somewhat serious," it is legal.

    · That the Supreme Court has declared that citizens had no "legitimate interest" in knowing what states were benefiting from the tax amnesty of Congress in the case "I Taxpayer," -it is legal.

    · That Juan Molinar has renewed the outsourcing contract ABC Nursery despite the report on insecurity enclosure, it is legal.

    · That the transfer of resources not audited by the federal government to the National Union of Education Workers and the Union of Oil Workers of the Mexican Republic, it is legal.

    · That the wealth of Carlos Romero Deschamps, Elba Esther Gordillo and many union leaders more, it is legal.

    · That the distribution of Soriana cards, coercing the vote, it is legal.

    · That the purchase by the President of a house from a builder who later won lucrative contracts in the State of Mexico, it is legal.

    · That the existence of a contract between TV Promo / Radar (linked to @Televisa) and Enrique Peña Nieto, when he was governor of Mexico, to buy favorable coverage and fixed interviews, It is legal.

    · That Pedro Joaquín Coldwell’s family participation in contracts and tenders involving @Pemex, when he was secretary of Energy, it is legal.

    · That the purchase of Luis Videgaray’s house in a golf club at Malinalco, with a loan at an interest rate still unknown, provided by a real estate benefited by the government -Group Higa, It is legal.

    That The White House First Lady / Higa, purchased with funds that have not yet proven, it is legal.

    That the tender for the MexicoCity-Queretaro fast train, it is legal

    That the cancelation of the tender for the fast train Mexico City-Queretaro, It is legal

    · That the shareholding of 80% of César Camacho, national leader of the PRI, in a company that has won contracts in the State of Mexico is legal.

    · That the purchase of a bank in Chihuahua, with resources unproven by Gov. Cesar Duarte, It is legal.

    · That a Mexico City’s Borough Chief uses a vehicle provided by a vendor, it is legal.

    · That public officials do not fully explain their financial statements nor publish their tax returns or disclose potential conflicts of interest, it is legal.

    · That the Incomplete presentation of @ManceraMiguelMx’s financial statements and his team, arguing questions of "security," It is legal.

    · That a Borough chief leaves office six months before completing his term, to seek a nomination, it's legal.

    ·[U] That the bribes not investigated nor punished are legal.

    · That the money embezzlement of leftist governments to finance campaign activities of Andrés Manuel López Obrador is legal.

    That the Green Party blatantly violating the election law, receives only a warning by @INEMexico, It is legal ..

    · That the "Green Boy" was caught on video negotiating a bribe to allow construction of a hotel in an ecological reserve and still remain leader of his party, It is legal.

    · That the Anti-Corruption National System has been slowed by @pridehoy in Congress, It is legal.

    · That the President and his administration continue incurring in behaviors that The Economist calls "unacceptable, " it is legal.