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¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

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  • #16
    Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

    Biografia del Negro from NYT.


    Full Name: Barack Hussein Obama Jr.Party: Democratic

    Political Office: U.S. Senator from Illinois, elected 2004; member, Illinois State Senate 1997-2004

    Business/Professional Experience: Attorney, law firm of Miner Barnhill & Galland (Chicago, IL), 1993-2004
    Date of Birth: August 4, 1961
    Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii
    Home: Chicago, Ill.
    Education: B.A. Columbia University 1983; J.D. Harvard Law, 1991
    Spouse: married Michelle Robinson, 1992
    Children: daughter Malia, born 1999; daughter Natasha, born 2001
    Religion: United Church of Christ
    Home: Chicago, Ill.
    Campaign Web Site:



    • #17
      Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

      que esto y que lo otro salud!


      • #18
        Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

        el negro gringo es pesadísimo,sangrón,acomplejado, es odioso.

        Pero cualquier cabrón es menos pendejo que Bush.

        nada que ver con el negro latinoamericano


        • #19
          Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

          Barack y Hillary me parece una fórmula ganadora y no dudo de que se llegue a realizar porque existen compromisos partidistas muy fuertes. Lo que me da mala espina es que existe mucha similitud en la campaña de Obama con la de Fox, el slogan del "cambio" y el uso de internet para allegarse votantes y recursos económicos.


          • #20
            Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

            También ha manejado mucho, el "Si se puede, si se puede ""



            • #21
              Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

              Black president? This century?

              Black president -- words perhaps as foreign as "green president." And yet now, a black

              president seems a distinct possibility with Sen. Barack Obama heading into the general

              election as the Democratic presidential nominee.

              Black president. The two words evoke excitement, dread, great expectations, intense

              fear, incomprehension, power, the breadth of possibility.

              For some, those two words -- black president -- symbolize the smashing of a glass

              ceiling, whose splintered shards had fallen on others who had thrown rocks at it in vain.

              Black president, words that carry with them the hope of the Invisible Man, the Manchild

              in the Promised Land, the balm on the anxiety of a Native Son.

              Said with whispers. And gasps. Exhaled as if the accumulation of all the troubles of a

              people would be over, though those who know better know also that that won't happen.

              "Black president. Is there still racism in this society? Of course there is. But it is not

              nearly the level of racism that would make the idea of the words 'black president' sound

              ridiculous," says Roger Wilkins, professor emeritus at George Mason University. "Black

              president. . . . It is not as if one morning I woke up and turned on the radio and I heard

              someone say 'black president,' I would drop my teeth. This has been gradual. When I

              hear it, I think as someone who has taught history for the last 25 years; I think our

              country has come a long way."

              Wilkins adds: "There is a very deep joy and pride when I listen to the words 'black'

              and 'president' applied to a walking, breathing person who carries African genes in his

              body and soul."

              And yet, for others, there is symbolism of a different kind. A symbolism of fear. Geraldine

              Ferraro, the first female vice presidential candidate, has said Obama is a candidate for

              president only because he's black. And she's raised the specter, in her recent writings,

              of a "reverse racism" that some whites fear under a black president.

              "They're upset because they don't expect to be treated fairly because they're white,"

              Ferraro wrote Sunday in the Boston Globe, adding, "They don't believe he understands

              them and their problems."



              • #22
                Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

                Originalmente publicado por Laurence Ver post

                Black president? This century?

                Black president -- words perhaps as foreign as "green president." And yet now, a black

                president seems a distinct possibility with Sen. Barack Obama heading into the general

                election as the Democratic presidential nominee.




                • #23
                  Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

                  Originalmente publicado por BIZET Ver post
                  el negro gringo es pesadísimo,sangrón,acomplejado, es odioso.

                  Pero cualquier cabrón es menos pendejo que Bush.

                  nada que ver con el negro latinoamericano
                  ¡juar!¡juar! ¿que decían de los pendejos que generalizan?

                  Por eso es mejor decir : "Algunos arios de Chinches Bravas son pesadísimos, sangrones, acomplejados y odiosos"
                  ¿Quieres conocer al verdadero Drome? nomás pícale aquí :


                  • #24
                    Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

                    Originalmente publicado por Laurence Ver post
                    Biografia del Negro from NYT.


                    Full Name: Barack Hussein Obama Jr.Party: Democratic

                    Political Office: U.S. Senator from Illinois, elected 2004; member, Illinois State Senate 1997-2004

                    Business/Professional Experience: Attorney, law firm of Miner Barnhill & Galland (Chicago, IL), 1993-2004
                    Date of Birth: August 4, 1961
                    Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii
                    Home: Chicago, Ill.
                    Education: B.A. Columbia University 1983; J.D. Harvard Law, 1991
                    Spouse: married Michelle Robinson, 1992
                    Children: daughter Malia, born 1999; daughter Natasha, born 2001
                    Religion: United Church of Christ
                    Home: Chicago, Ill.
                    Campaign Web Site:

                    !Chale! que Biografía más chafa , no dice de que color es su piel.
                    ¿Quieres conocer al verdadero Drome? nomás pícale aquí :


                    • #25
                      Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

                      Originalmente publicado por el Barto Ver post
                      !Chale! que Biografía más chafa , no dice de que color es su piel.


                      ESTA:..BASTANTEMENTE NEGRO..EL WEY.


                      • #26
                        Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?


                        • #27
                          Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

                          Chin se me hace que el "doc" debe cambiar de fuentes (seguro las suyas son brotantes) ya que afirma que Obama es musulman... ya no se puede confiar en nadie:


                          Full Name: Barack Hussein Obama Jr.Party: Democratic

                          Political Office: U.S. Senator from Illinois, elected 2004; member, Illinois State Senate 1997-2004

                          Business/Professional Experience: Attorney, law firm of Miner Barnhill & Galland (Chicago, IL), 1993-2004
                          Date of Birth: August 4, 1961
                          Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii
                          Home: Chicago, Ill.
                          Education: B.A. Columbia University 1983; J.D. Harvard Law, 1991
                          Spouse: married Michelle Robinson, 1992
                          Children: daughter Malia, born 1999; daughter Natasha, born 2001
                          Religion: United Church of Christ
                          Home: Chicago, Ill.
                          Campaign Web Site:
                          "¿¿Para qué tomar y manejar si puedes fumar y volar??" Les Luthiers


                          • #28
                            Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

                            Se me hace que tampoco es negro.
                            ¿Quieres conocer al verdadero Drome? nomás pícale aquí :


                            • #29
                              Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

                              Originalmente publicado por Laurence Ver post
                              Biografia del Negro from NYT.


                              Full Name: Barack Hussein Obama Jr.Party: Democratic


                              Pero lo peor es que nadie sa habia dado cuenta de que ademas de ser negro tambien lleva el nombre de "Hussein". Eso lo coloca ahi mero con los meros malos.
                              Nunca deja de asombrar como las focas, prontas y felices, reciben con brazos abiertos cualquier basura que les avienten sus amos, los caciques de la oposicion.


                              • #30
                                Re: ¿Un Negro Presidente de E.U. ?

                                Originalmente publicado por Zapata Ver post
                                Pero lo peor es que nadie sa habia dado cuenta de que ademas de ser negro tambien lleva el nombre de "Hussein". Eso lo coloca ahi mero con los meros malos.
                                ¿Como que nadie?

                                El drome sí se dió cuenta, por eso dijo que el barack es musulman. Nombre, si al drome nadie se le adelanta..

