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Los pegostes de Cronos

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  • Re: ~~Juguemos Bilingüe~~Trend estimation

    When a series of measurements of a process is treated as a time series, trend estimation is the application of statistical techniques to make and justify statements about trends in the data. Assuming the underlying process is a physical system that is incompletely understood, one may thereby construct a model, independent of anything known about the physics of the process, to explain the behaviour of the measurement. In particular, one may wish to know if the measurements exhibit an increasing or decreasing trend, that can be statistically distinguished from random behaviour. For example, take daily average temperatures at a given location, from winter to summer; or the global temperature series over the last 100 years.

    Particularly in that latter case, issues of homogeneity (is the series equally reliable throughout its length?) are important. For the moment we shall simplify the discussion and neglect those points. This article does not attempt a full mathematical treatment, merely an exposition.

    Fitting a trend: least-squares

    Given a set of data, and the desire to produce some kind of "model" of that data (model, in this case, meaning a function fitted through the data) there are a variety of functions that can be chosen for the fit. But if there is no prior understanding of the data, the simplest function to fit is a straight line and thus this is the "default".

    Once it has been decided to fit a straight line, there are various ways to do so, but the most usual choice is a the least-squares fit, equivalent to minimisation of the L2 norm. See least squares.

    Thus, given a set of data points xi, and data values yi, one chooses a and b so that

    \sum_i \left\{[(ax_i + b) - y_i]^2\right\}

    is minimised. This can always be done in closed form since this is a case of simple linear regression.

    For the rest of this article, "trend" will mean the least squares trend, since that is what is meant in 99% of cases everywhere else.

    Now an estimated trend has been computed. But is it significant? And what is meant by significant?

    Trends in random data

    Before we can consider trends in real data, we need to understand trends in random data.
    Red shaded values are greater than 99% of the rest; blue, 95%; green, 90%. In this case, the V values discussed in the text for (one-sided) 95% confidence is seen to be 0.2.

    If we take a series which is known to be random – fair dice falls; or computer-generated random numbers – and fit a trend line through the data, the chances of a truly zero trend are negligible. But we would probably expect the trend to be "small". If we take a series with a given degree of noise, and a given length (say, 100 points), and generate a large number of such series (say, 100,000 series), we can then calculate the trends from these 100,000 series, and empirically establish a distribution of trends that are to be expected from such random data – see diagram. Such a distribution will be normal (central limit theorem except in pathological cases, since – in a slightly non-obvious way of thinking about it – the trend is a linear combination of the yi) and, if the series genuinely is random, centered on zero. We may now establish a level of statistical certainty, S, desired – 95% confidence is typical; 99% would be stricter, 90% rather looser – and say: what value, V, do we have to choose so that S% of trends are within V? (complication: we may be interested in positive and negative trends – 2-tailed – or may have prior knowledge that only positive, or only negative, trends are of interest).

    In the above discussion the distribution of trends was calculated empirically, from a large number of trials. In simple cases (normally distributed random noise being a classic) the distribution of trends can be calculated exactly.

    Suppose we then take another series with approximately the same variance properties as our random series. We do not know in advance whether it "really" has a trend in it, so we calculate the trend, T, and discover that it is less than V. Then we may say that, at degree of certainty S, any trend in the data cannot be distinguished from random noise.

    However, note that whatever value of S we choose, then a given fraction, 1 − S, of truly random series will be declared (falsely, by construction) to have a significant trend. Conversely, a certain fraction of series that "really" have a trend will not be declared to have a trend.
    [edit] Data as trend plus noise

    To analyse a (time) series of data, we assume that it may be represented as trend plus noise:

    x_i = at_i + b + e_i\,

    where a and b are (usually unknown) constants and the e's are independent randomly distributed "errors". Unless something special is known about the e's, they will be assumed to have a normal distribution. It is simplest if the e's all have the same distribution, but if not (if some have higher variance, meaning that those data points are effectively less certain) then this can be taken into account during the least squares fitting, by weighting each point by the inverse of the variance of that point.

    In most cases, where only a single time series exists to be analysed, the variance of the e's is estimated by fitting a trend, thus allowing at + b to be removed and leaving the e's as residuals, and calculating the variance of the e's from the residuals — this is often the only way of estimating the variance of the e's.

    One particular special case of great interest, the (global) temperature time series, is known not to be homogeneous in time: apart from anything else, the number of weather observations has (generally) increased with time, and thus the error associated with estimating the global temperature from a limited set of observations has decreased with time. In fitting a trend to this data, this can be taken into account, as described above.

    Once we know the "noise" of the series, we can then assess the significance of the trend by making the null hypothesis that the trend, a, is not significantly different from 0. From the above discussion of trends in random data with known variance, we know the distribution of trends to be expected from random (trendless) data. If the calculated trend, a, is larger than the value, V, then the trend is deemed significantly differentiable from zero at significance level S.

    Noisy time series, and an example

    It is harder to see a trend in a noisy time series. For example, if the true series is 0, 1, 2, 3 all plus some independent normally distributed "noise" e of standard deviation E, and we have a sample series of length 50, then if E = 0.1 the trend will be obvious; if E = 100 the trend will probably be visible; but if E = 10000 the trend will be buried in the noise.

    If we consider a concrete example, the global surface temperature record of the past 140 years as presented by the IPCC: [1], then the interannual variation is about 0.2°C and the trend about 0.6°C over 140 years, with 95% confidence limits of 0.2°C (by coincidence, about the same value as the interannual variation). Hence the trend is statistically different from 0.
    [edit] Goodness of fit (R-squared) and trend
    Illustration of the variation of r2 with filtering whilst fit remains the same

    The least-squares fitting process produces a value – r-squared (r2) – which is the square of the residuals of the data after the fit. It says what fraction of the variance of the data is explained by the fitted trend line. It does not relate to the significance of the trend line – see graph. A noisy series can have a very low r2 value but a very high significance of fit. Often, filtering a series increases r2 whilst making little difference to the fitted trend or significance.

    Real data need more complicated models

    Thus far the data have been assumed to consist of the trend plus noise, with the noise at each data point being independent and identically-distributed random variables and to have a normal distribution. Real data (for example climate data) may not fulfill these criteria. This is important, as it makes an enormous difference to the ease with which the statistics can be analyzed so as to extract maximum information from the data-series. The use of least-squares estimation of the trend is valid, but might be improved. Statistical inferences (tests for the presence of trend, confidence intervals for the trend, etc.) are invalid unless departures from the standard assumptions are properly accounted for.

    Dependence: autocorrelated time series might be modeled using autoregressive moving average models.

    Non-constant variance: in the simplest cases weighted least squares might be used.

    Non-normal distribution for errors: in the simplest cases a generalised linear model might be applicable...


    • Frases célebres:California,USA is a bargain!

      California,USA is a bargain!!!

      El estado de California, en Estados Unidos, es, por el valor de su producción, la octava economía del mundo, con 1.7 billones de dólares (trillones según se mide allá). Está apenas por debajo de Italia y es más grande que España y Canadá, que le siguen. El PIB de México es del orden de 1.08 billones,y bastante menor que el de California, según datos del Banco Mundial para 2008.

      Da cuenta de 12 por ciento del producto interno bruto total generado en ese país, y tiene una población de 38.3 millones de habitantes, es decir, uno de cada ocho personas de USA, vive ahí.

      California tiene hoy un déficit fiscal de 24 mil millones de dólares y no los puede pagar su deuda. Esta es otra manifestación de la crisis económica y financiera, y se agrega a las cargas fiscales y a los programas federales de estímulo que tiene que aplicar el gobierno de Obama.

      La tasa de desempleo general de aquel país supera ya 9 por ciento, mientras en California alcanza 11.5 por ciento. Se prevé que en los siguientes dos años se perderá un millón adicional de empleos y que la tasa de desocupación llegará a 12.5 por ciento.

      En 2008 cayó el ingreso personal en el estado por vez primera desde la década de 1930. Con ello se redujo también el ingreso público derivado de los impuestos en una tercera parte sólo entre enero y mayo de este año.

      En California está el mayor mercado de autos del país, y hasta ahora se ha desplomado 40 por ciento respecto del año pasado, a lo que hay que añadir el problema de las deudas hipotecarias y la pérdida de valor de las propiedades inmuebles.

      Hace más de 30 años entró en vigor una disposición fiscal conocida como Propuesta 13, que limitó fuertemente la capacidad de reacción presupuestaria en el estado. Se fijó un techo a los impuestos sobre las propiedades y se estableció una protección contra el revaluación de las mismas, incluso cuando aumentaba fuertemente su valor catastral. Así se dependía en mayor parte de los impuestos sobre la renta. Hoy, esa combinación es letal para el fisco estatal.

      En el gobierno de Schwarzenegger la deuda pública se ha duplicado. La situación es más grave, ya que esa misma Propuesta 13 dificulta elevar los impuestos en caso de emergencias si no se cuenta con una mayoría de dos tercios en la Legislatura local, lo que complica aún más el entorno político prevaleciente. En noviembre de 2003, cuando tomó posesión del gobierno estatal, enfrentó también una fuerte crisis fiscal.

      Agréguese a esto que ahora hay un movimiento en Estados Unidos de los propietarios de casas para reducir el pago de impuestos por inmuebles, precisamente en función de la pérdida de valor luego de la especulación con los bienes raíces.

      Esta es ya una manifestación del problema distributivo y del conflicto entre la necesidad de captar recursos de los gobiernos locales y los déficits financieros que enfrentan.

      Conforme a las leyes fiscales, los gobiernos estatales, a diferencia del federal, deben mantener presupuestos balanceados. Ante la caída de ingresos tendrán que aplicar fuertes recortes del gasto, que repercuten de manera muy desigual sobre la población, afectando especialmente a quienes reciben ayudas y dependen de los servicios públicos.

      Esto redundará en una mayor caída de la demanda agregada restringiendo el estímulo necesario para salir de la recesión. Mientras se llega a un acuerdo político sobre el presupuesto, el gobierno emite pagarés para cumplir con la devolución de impuestos a comerciantes y contribuyentes en general y pagará una tasa de interés de 3.5 por ciento.

      Los acreedores, incluyendo los bancos, no se podrán negar a aceptarlos. La deuda cubierta es del orden de 4.8 billones de dólares hasta agosto, y si no hay arreglo puede llegar a 53.3 billones.

      La crisis fiscal de California puede ser el inicio de una tendencia similar en otros estados y significará una complicación adicional para el gobierno de Obama. Se sumará al salvamento de los bancos y otras instituciones financieras, de las empresas automotrices y de los deudores hipotecarios, igual que al mayor pago de seguro de desempleo.

      El rescate de los gobiernos locales no estaba contemplado en el marco de la crisis, y la cuestión es que en este caso no hay opciones más que hacerlo. California no puede quebrar.

      La repercusión general en términos fiscales sería enorme y también sobre el valor del dólar. Pero hay que tener en cuenta la situación financiera internacional, que establece una especie de disuasión similar a la que existió en la guerra fría en términos nucleares.

      Los bancos centrales del mundo no tienen mucho margen de maniobra más que colocar sus excedentes en dólares. Esto es bastante claro en el caso de China, el mayor acreedor del Tesoro. Salirse de las tenencias de dólares es precipitar una crisis fiscal más general y devaluar las tenencias en esa moneda.

      El dólar sigue siendo el dinero mundial de referencia y se usará ese poder disuasivo tanto en materia financiera y económica como en términos políticos, cuando menos durante un buen tiempo. Si es necesario, la inflación será un mecanismo para liquidar parte de la deuda en términos reales en el mediano plazo. La crisis significa, pues, el rescate del dólar y la forma en que se restructuren la producción, las finanzas y el mercado laboral a escala mundial...


      • Re: En honor a soul: Te enseñamos a besar

        ¿Y el BESO NEGRO tambien lo enseñan?


        • Re: Palabras encadenadas en ingles.

          An indentured servant is a laborer under contract to an employer for a fixed period of time, typically three to seven years, in exchange for their transportation, food, clothing, lodging and other necessities. Unlike a slave, an indentured servant is required to work only for a limited term specified in a signed contract.[1] [2]

          The labor-intensive cash crop of tobacco was farmed in the American South by indentured laborers in the 17th and 18th centuries.[3] Indentured servitude was not the same as the apprenticeship system by which skilled trades were taught, but similarities do exist between the two mechanisms, in that both require a set period of work.

          North America

          In addition to slaves (who were mostly from Africa), Europeans, including Irish,[4] Scottish,[5] English, and Germans,[6] were brought over in substantial numbers as indentured servants,[7] particularly in the British Thirteen Colonies.[8] Over half of all white immigrants to the English colonies of North America during the 17th and 18th centuries may have been indentured servants.[9] In the 18th and early 19th century numerous Europeans traveled to the colonies as redemptioners.[10]

          It has been estimated that the redemptioners comprised almost 80% of the total British and continental immigration to America down to the coming of the Revolution.[11]

          An indenture was a legal contract enforced by the courts.

          When the ship arrived, the captain would often advertise in a newspaper that indentured servants (redemptioners) were for sale: [13]

          When a buyer was found, the sale would be recorded at the city court. The Philadelphia Mayor’s Court Indenture Book, page 742, for September 18, 1773 has the following entry: [14]

          '...James Best. Who was under Indenture of Redemption to Captain Stephen Jones now cancelled in consideration of £ 15, paid for his Passage from London bound a servant to David Rittenhouse of the City of Philadelphia & assigns three years to befound all necessaries...'

          On the journey to America, many passengers did not survive the trip to the new land. Some died of starvation, disease, or suicide. In Colonial North America, employers usually paid for European workers' passage across the Atlantic Ocean, reimbursing the shipowner who held their papers of indenture. In the process many families were broken apart. During the time living with their masters, their fellow indentured servants took the role of family.

          The agreement could also be an exchange for professional training: after being the indentured servant of a blacksmith for several years, one would expect to work as a blacksmith on one's own account after the period of indenture was over. During the 17th century, most of the white labourers in Virginia came from England this way. Their masters were bound to feed, clothe, and lodge them. Ideally, an indentured servant's lot in the establishment would be no harder than that of a contemporary apprentice, who was similarly bound by contract and owed hard, unpaid labour while "serving his time." At the end of the allotted time, an indentured servant was to be given a new suit of clothes, tools, or money, and freed.

          Like slaves, servants could be bought and sold, could not marry without the permission of their owner, were subject to physical punishment, and saw their obligation to labor enforced by the courts. To ensure uninterrupted work by the female servants, the law lengthened the term of their indenture if they became pregnant. But unlike slaves, servants could look forward to a release from bondage. If they survived their period of labor, servants would receive a payment known as "freedom dues" and become free members of society. [15]

          On the other hand, this ideal was not always a reality for indentured servants. Both male and female laborers could be subject to violence, occasionally even resulting in death. The large number of servants who ran away or committed suicide suggests that the conditions of life during the period of bondage may not have been so different for the servant and the slave.[16] Female indentured servants in particular might be raped and/or sexually abused by their masters. Cases of successful prosecution for these crimes were very uncommon, as indentured servants were unlikely to have access to a magistrate, and social pressure to avoid such brutality could vary by geography and cultural norm. The situation was particularly difficult for indentured women, because in both low social class and sex, they were believed to be particularly prone to vice, making legal redress unusual.

          Indentured servitude was a method of increasing the number of colonists, especially in the British colonies. Voluntary migration and Convict labor only provided so many people, and since the journey across the Atlantic was dangerous, other means of encouraging settlement were necessary. Contract-laborers became an important group of people and so numerous that the United States Constitution counted them specifically in appointing representatives:

          Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years....[17]

          Displaced from their land and unable to find work in the cities, many of these people signed contracts of indenture and took passage to the Americas. In Massachusetts, religious instruction in the Puritan way of life was often part of the condition of indenture, and people tended to live in towns. In the north, indentured servants were more likely[citation needed] to be integrated with the community to some extent, with more household chores and town-oriented trade skills associated with their work. What was often great mental stress and suppression in combination with hard work and the possibility of physical abuse took its toll on many indentured servants, particularly women,[citation needed] who were subject to even stricter social mores than their male counterparts.

          By contrast, in Virginia, the majority of the population did not live in individual towns, and indentured servants were more likely to work on isolated farms. The majority of Virginians were Anglican, not Puritan, and while religion did play a large role in everyday lives, the culture was more commercially based. In the Upper South, where tobacco was the main cash crop, the majority of labor that indentured servants performed was related to field work. In this situation, social isolation could increase the possibilities for both direct and indirect abuse, as could lengthy, demanding labor in the tobacco fields.

          Indentured servants differed from slavery. There was a continuum between the designations "free" and "unfree" in the colonial period. In this sense, the development of racial thinking to separate and privilege the mainly white laborers from black slaves solidified the institution of slavery even as it opened, at least in name, opportunities for lower-class whites. Ultimately, slavery persisted until 1865 in the South, but indentured servitude did not.

          The system was still widely practiced in the 1780s, picking up immediately after a hiatus during the American Revolution. Fernand Braudel (The Perspective of the World 1984, pp 405f) instances a 1783 report on "the import trade from Ireland" and its large profits to a ship owner or a captain, who:

          "puts his conditions to the emigrants in Dublin or some other Irish port. Those who can pay for their passage—usually about 100 or 80 [livres tournois]—arrive in America free to take any engagement that suits them. Those who cannot pay are carried at the expense of the shipowner, who in order to recoup his money, advertises on arrival that he has imported artisans, laborers and domestic servants and that he has agreed with them on his own account to hire their services for a period normally of three, four, or five years for men and women and 6 or 7 years for children."

          In modern terms, the shipowner was acting as an contractor, hiring out his laborers. Such circumstances affected the treatment a captain gave his valuable human cargo. After indentures were forbidden, the passage had to be prepaid, giving rise to the inhumane conditions of Irish "coffin ships" in the second half of the 19th century.

          Indentured servitude was also used by the Hudson's Bay Company, in what is now Canada, to staff the coal mines around Nanaimo well into the late 1800s.

          Modern indentured servitude takes the form of illegal immigrants paying their passage by long work-hours in harsh conditions, often at subsistence pay rates to support themselves. Such activity is not uncommon in America and Europe as well.

          Article 4 of the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights (passed in 1948) declares such servitude as illegal. But, only national legislation can implement that illegality. In America, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 extended servitude to cover Peonage as well as Involuntary Servitude.[18] African Americans and Europeans were also known to be disrespected and when the contract(s) would end, the servant can and sometimes would be forced to work for more time and would not receive the land grant.
          See also: Black Codes in the USA


          • Re: Los pegostes de Cronos

            ¡Buenos días!

            Estoy traduciendo (o intentando hacerlo) un volante. Dice así:

            Dr. Chet Johnson, Associate Director of the CCHD, Professor of Pediatrics, is a Developmental Pediatrician and fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. After completing pediatric training in New York City, Dr. Johnson completed a Developmental-Behavioral fellowship at Harvard Medical School, with T. Berry Brazelton. Dr. Johnson is board-certified in Pediatrics, Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics. He is the chair of the AAP National Committee on Early Childhood and a member of the AAP Early Brain Advisory Group and the Professional Advisory Board of the Johnson County Autism Society. He has extensive experience with developmental and behavioral problems and is particularly interested in family-centered care and teaching in an interdisciplinary setting.

            Lo he traducido así:

            El Dr. Chet Johnson, Director Asociado de CCHD, Profesor en Pediatría, es un Pediatra del Desarrollo y miembro de la Academia Americana de Pediatría. Después de terminar su entrenamiento en Pediatría en la Ciudad de Nueva York, el Dr. Johnson completó un programa de beca de investigación en Desarrollo y Conducta en la Escuela de Medicina de Harvard, con T. Berry Brazelton. El Dr. Johnson está certificado por el buró en Pediatría, Discapacidades del Desarrollo Neurológico y en Pediatría del Desarrollo y Conducta. Él es el presidente del Comité Nacional de la Primera Infancia de la AAP, miembro del Grupo Asesor del Desarrollo Cerebral Temprano de la AAP y del Buró Profesional de Consejería de la Sociedad del Autismo del Condado de Johnson. Tiene amplia experiencia en problemas de desarrollo y conducta y está interesado particularmente en el cuidado centrado en la familia y en la enseñanza en un escenario interdisciplinario.

            Necesito su amable ayuda con la parte escrita en rojo. No sé cómo traducir Early Brain y lo he dejado en inglés. Se aceptan (y agradecen) sugerencias en cuanto al resto de la traducción.

            Agradezco de antemano su atención y ayuda,



            • Re: Los pegostes de Cronos

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              sigpic INSERT RANDOM BULLSHIT HERE.


              • Re: ~~Juguemos Bilingüe~~

                Stress is a biological term which refers to the consequences of the failure of a human or animal to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism, whether actual or imagined.[1]
                It includes a state of alarm and adrenaline production, short-term resistance as a coping mechanism, and exhaustion.
                Common stress symptoms include irritability, muscular tension, inability to concentrate and a variety of physical reactions, such as headaches and elevated heart rate.[2]

                Origin and terminology

                The term "stress" was first used by psychologists before the endocrinologist Hans Selye in the 1930s[citation needed]. He later broadened and popularized the concept to include the response of the body to any demand. In Selye's terminology, "stress" refers to a condition, and "stressor" to the internal reaction causing stress.

                It covers a huge range of phenomena from mild irritation to the kind of severe problems that might result in a real breakdown of health.

                Signs of stress may be cognitive, emotional, physical or behavioral. Signs include poor judgment, a general negative outlook, excessive worrying, moodiness, irritability, agitation, inability to relax, feeling lonely or isolated, depressed, aches and pains, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, dizziness, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, eating too much or not enough, sleeping too much or not enough, withdrawing from others, procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities, using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax, and nervous habits (e.g. nail biting or pacing).


                General Adaptation Syndrome

                Hans Selye researched the effects of stress[3] on rats and other animals by exposing them to unpleasant or harmful stimuli. He found that all animals presented a very similar series of reactions, broken into three stages. In 1936, he described this universal response to the stressors as the general adaptation syndrome, or GAS.[4][5]

                Stress is how the body reacts to a Stressor(something or reason that causes stress). There are Acute stressors, which are a short term stress that can effect you greatly or regularly; and there are chronic stressors, which are a long term stress that can also effect you greatly or regularly. Acute stressors can make the way you deal with stress easier.Template:Andrew Bridenbaker

                Alarm is the first stage. When the threat or stressor is identified or realized, the body's stress response is a state of alarm. During this stage adrenaline will be produced in order to bring about the fight-or-flight response. There is also some activation of the HPA axis, producing cortisol.

                Resistance is the second stage. If the stressor persists, it becomes necessary to attempt some means of coping with the stress. Although the body begins to try to adapt to the strains or demands of the environment, the body cannot keep this up indefinitely, so its resources are gradually depleted.

                Exhaustion is the third and final stage in the GAS model. At this point, all of the body's resources are eventually depleted and the body is unable to maintain normal function. At this point the initial autonomic nervous system symptoms may reappear (sweating, raised heart rate etc.). If stage three is extended, long term damage may result as the capacity of glands, especially the adrenal gland, and the immune system is exhausted and function is impaired resulting in decompensation.

                The result can manifest itself in obvious illnesses such as ulcers, depression, diabetes, trouble with the digestive system or even cardiovascular problems, along with other mental illnesses.

                Selye: eustress and distress

                Hans Selye published in 1975 a model dividing stress into eustress and distress.[6] Where stress enhances function (physical or mental, such as through strength training or challenging work) it may be considered eustress. Persistent stress that is not resolved through coping or adaptation, deemed distress, may lead to anxiety or withdrawal (depression) behavior.

                The difference between experiences which result in eustress or distress is determined by the disparity between an experience (real or imagined), personal expectations, and resources to cope with the stress. Alarming experiences, either real or imagined, can trigger a stress response.[7]
                [edit] Lazarus: cognitive appraisal model

                Lazarus [8] argued that in order for a psychosocial situation to be stressful, it must be appraised as such. He argued that cognitive processes of appraisal are central in determining whether a situation is potentially threatening, constitutes a harm/loss, a challenge, or is benign.

                This primary appraisal is influenced by both person and environmental factors, and triggers the selection of coping processes. Problem-focused coping is directed at managing the problem, while emotion-focused coping processes are directed at managing the negative emotions. Secondary appraisal refers to the evaluation of the resources available to cope with the problem, and may alter the primary appraisal.

                In other words, primary appraisal also includes the perception of how stressful the problem is; realizing that one has more than or less than adequate resources to deal with the problem affects the appraisal of stressfulness. Further, coping is flexible in that the individual generally examines the effectiveness of the coping on the situation; if it is not having the desired effect, s/he will generally try different strategies.[9]
                [edit] Neurochemistry and physiology

                The neurochemistry of the stress response is now believed to be well understood, although much remains to be discovered about how the components of this system interact with one another, in the brain and throughout in the body. In response to a stressor, corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and arginine-vasopressin (AVP) are secreted into the hypophyseal portal system and activate neurons of the paraventricular nuclei (PVN) of the hypothalamus.

                The locus ceruleus and other noradrenergic cell groups of the adrenal medulla and pons, collectively known as the LC/NE system, also become active and use brain epinephrine to execute autonomic and neuroendocrine responses, serving as a global alarm system.[10]

                The autonomic nervous system provides the rapid response to stress commonly known as the fight-or-flight response, engaging the sympathetic nervous system and withdrawing the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby enacting cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, and endocrine changes.[10] The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), a major part of the neuroendocrine system involving the interactions of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands, is also activated by release of CRH and AVP.

                This results in release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the pituitary into the general bloodstream, which results in secretion of cortisol and other glucocorticoids from the adrenal cortex. These corticoids involve the whole body in the organism's response to stress and ultimately contribute to the termination of the response via inhibitory feedback.[10]
                [edit] Impact on disease

                Stress can significantly affect many of the body's immune systems, as can an individual's perceptions of, and reactions to, stress. The term psychoneuroimmunology is used to describe the interactions between the mental state, nervous and immune systems, as well as research on the interconnections of these systems. Immune system changes can create more vulnerability to infection, and have been observed to increase the potential for an outbreak of psoriasis for people with that skin disorder.[11]

                Chronic stress has also been shown to impair developmental growth in children by lowering the pituitary gland's production of growth hormone, as in children associated with a home environment involving serious marital discord, alcoholism, or child abuse.[12]

                Studies of female monkeys at Wake Forest University (2009) discovered that individuals suffering from higher stress have higher levels of visceral fat in their bodies. This suggests a possible cause-and-effect link between the two, wherein stress promotes the accumulation of visceral fat, which in turn causes hormonal and metabolic changes that contribute to heart disease and other health problems.[13]

                Common sources

                Both negative and positive stressors can lead to stress. Some common categories and examples of stressors include: sensory input such as pain, bright light, or environmental issues such as a lack of control over environmental circumstances, such as food, housing, health, freedom, or mobility.

                Social issues can also cause stress, such as struggles with conspecific or difficult individuals and social defeat, or relationship conflict, deception, or break ups, and major events such as birth and deaths, marriage, and divorce.

                Life experiences such as poverty, unemployment, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, heavy drinking [14], or insufficient sleep can also cause stress. Students and workers may face stress from exams, project deadlines, and group projects.

                Adverse experiences during development (e.g. prenatal exposure to maternal stress,[15][16] poor attachment histories,[17] sexual abuse)[18] are thought to contribute to deficits in the maturity of an individual's stress response systems. One evaluation of the different stresses in people's lives is the Holmes and Rahe stress scale.


                • Para cambiar vidas:+ o - ESTRÉS,o fatiga

                  Estrés, (del inglés, "stress"), "fatiga", es una reacción fisiológica del organismo en el que entran en juego diversos mecanismos de defensa para afrontar una situación que se percibe como amenazante o de demanda incrementada.

                  El estrés es una respuesta natural y necesaria para la supervivencia a pesar de lo cual, hoy en día, se confunde con una patología.
                  Cuando esta condición se da en exceso se produce una sobrecarga de tensión que se ve reflejada en el organismo y en la aparición de enfermadades, anomalías y anormalidades patológicas que impiden el normal desarrollo y funcionamiento del cuerpo humano.
                  Esta confusión se debe a que este mecanismo de defensa puede acabar, bajo determinadas circunstancias que abundan en ciertos modos de vida, desencadenando problemas graves de salud.

                  Es una patología laboral emergente que tiene una especial incidencia en el sector servicios, siendo el riesgo mayor en las tareas que requieren mayores exigencias y dedicación.

                  Historia del concepto

                  Hans Selye (1907-1982) fisiólogo y médico vienés, fue también director del Instituto de Medicina y Cirugía Experimental de la Universidad de Montreal. Fue el responsable de acuñar este vocablo. En 1950 publicó su investigación más famosa: Estrés: Un estudio sobre la ansiedad.

                  A partir de esta tesis, el estrés o síndrome general de adaptación (SGA) pasó a resumir todo un conjunto de síntomas psicofisiológicos.

                  Síntomas generales del estrés

                  El efecto que tiene la respuesta estrés en el organismo es profundo: Predominio del sistema nervioso simpático (vasocontricción periférica, midriasis, taquicardia, taquipnea, relentización de la motilidad intestinal, etc...), liberación de catecolaminas (adrenalina y noradrenalina), de cortisol y encefalina, aumento en sangre de la cantidad circulante de glucosa, factores de coagulación, aminoácidos libres y factores inmunológicos.
                  Todos estos mecanismos están pensados para aumentar las probabilidades de supervivencia frente a una amenaza a corto plazo, no para que se los mantenga indefinidamente, tal como suele pasar.

                  A medio plazo, este estado de alerta sostenido desgasta las reservas del organismo y puede producir diversas patologías (trombosis, ansiedad, depresión, inmunodeficiencia, dolores musculares, insomnio, trastornos de atención, diabetes, etc...)

                  El estrés se encuentra en la cabeza, ya que es el cerebro el responsable de reconocer y responder de distintas formas a los estresores.
                  Cada vez son más numerosos los estudios que corroboran el papel que juega el estrés en el aprendizaje, la memoria y la toma de decisiones. Un estudio de la Universidad de California demostró que un estrés fuerte durante un corto periodo de tiempo, por ejemplo, la espera previa a la cirugía de un ser querido, es suficiente para destruir varias de las conexiones entre neuronas en zonas específicas del cerebro.
                  Esto es, un estrés agudo puede cambiar la anatomía cerebral en pocas horas. El estrés crónico, por su parte, demostró la disminución del tamaño de la zona cerebral responsable de la memoria. Por lo menos, éste es el efecto encontrado en experimentos con ratas.[1]

                  Condiciones desencadenantes del estrés

                  Los llamados estresores o factores estresantes son las situaciones desencadenantes del estrés y pueden ser cualquier estímulo, externo o interno (tanto físico, químico, acústico o somático como sociocultural) que, de manera directa o indirecta, propicie la desestabilización en el equilibrio dinámico del organismo (homeostasis).

                  Una parte importante del esfuerzo que se ha realizado para el estudio y comprensión del estrés, se ha centrado en determinar y clasificar los diferentes desencadenantes de este proceso. La revisión de los principales tipos de estresores que se han utilizado para estudiar el estrés, nos proporciona una primera aproximación al estudio de sus condiciones desencadenantes, y nos muestra la existencia de ocho grandes categorías de estresores:

                  * situaciones que fuerzan a procesar información rápidamente
                  * estímulos ambientales dañinos
                  * percepciones de amenaza
                  * alteración de las funciones fisiológicas (enfermedades, adicciones, etcétera)
                  * aislamiento y confinamiento
                  * bloqueos en nuestros intereses
                  * presión grupal
                  * frustración

                  Sin embargo, cabe la posibilidad de realizar diferentes taxonomías sobre los desencadenantes del estrés en función de criterios meramente descriptivos -por ejemplo, la que propusieron Lazarus y Folkman (1984), para quienes el 'estrés psicológico es una relación particular entre el individuo y el entorno (que es evaluado por el individuo como amenazante o desbordante de sus recursos y que pone en peligro su bienestar).
                  Por eso se ha tendido a clasificarlos por el tipo de cambios que producen en las condiciones de vida.
                  Conviene hablar, entonces, de cuatro tipos de acontecimientos estresantes:

                  * Los estresores únicos: hacen referencia a cataclismos y cambios drásticos en las condiciones del entorno de vida de las personas y que, habitualmente, afectan a un gran número de ellas.
                  * Los estresores múltiples: afectan sólo a una persona o a un pequeño grupo de ellas, y se corresponden con cambios significativos y de transcendencia vital para las personas.
                  * Los estresores cotidianos: se refieren al cúmulo de molestias, imprevistos y alteraciones en las pequeñas rutinas cotidianas.
                  * Los estresores biogénicos: son mecanismos físicos y químicos que disparan directamente la respuesta de estrés sin la mediación de los procesos psicológicos.

                  Estos estresores pueden estar presentes de manera aguda o crónica y, también, pueden ser resultado de la anticipación mental acerca de lo que puede ocurrir en el futuro.

                  Estados de adaptación

                  Selye describió el síndrome general de adaptación en tres estados:

                  * alarma de reacción, cuando el cuerpo detecta el estímulo externo;
                  * adaptación, cuando el cuerpo toma contramedidas defensivas hacia el agresor;
                  * agotamiento, cuando comienzan a agotarse las defensas del cuerpo.

                  El estrés incluye distrés, con consecuencias negativas para el sujeto sometido a estrés, y eustrés, con consecuencias positivas para el sujeto estresado. Es decir, hablamos de eustrés cuando la respuesta estrés del sujeto favorece la adaptación al factor estresante. Por el contrario, si la respuesta estrés del sujeto no favorece o dificulta la adaptación al factor estresante, hablamos de disestrés. Por poner un ejemplo: cuando un depredador nos acecha, si el resultado es que corremos estamos teniendo una respuesta de eustrés (con el resultado positivo de que logramos huir). Si por el contrario nos quedamos inmóviles, presas del terror, estamos teniendo una respuesta de disestrés (con el resultado negativo de que somos devorados). En ambos casos ha habido estrés. Se debe tener en cuenta además, que cuando la respuesta estrés se prolonga demasiado tiempo y alcanza la fase de agotamiento, estaremos ante un caso de distrés.

                  El estrés puede contribuir, directa o indirectamente, a la aparición de trastornos generales o específicos del cuerpo y de la mente.

                  En primer lugar, esta situación hace que el cerebro se ponga en guardia. La reacción del cerebro es preparar el cuerpo para la acción defensiva. El sistema nervioso se despierta y las hormonas se liberan para activar los sentidos, acelerar el pulso, profundizar la respiración y tensar los músculos. Esta respuesta (a veces denominada respuesta de lucha o huida) es importante, porque nos ayuda a defendernos contra situaciones amenazantes. La respuesta se programa biológicamente. Todo el mundo reacciona más o menos de la misma forma —tanto si la situación se produce en la casa como en el trabajo.

                  Los episodios cortos o infrecuentes de estrés representan poco riesgo. Pero cuando las situaciones estresantes se suceden sin resolución, el cuerpo permanece en un estado constante de alerta, lo cual aumenta la tasa de desgaste fisiológico que conlleva a la fatiga o el daño físico, y la capacidad del cuerpo para recuperarse y defenderse se puede ver seriamente comprometida. Como resultado, aumenta el riesgo de lesión o enfermedad.


                  • Re: Palabras encadenadas en ingles:Mental health!

                    Mental health is a term used to describe either a level of cognitive or emotional well-being or an absence of a mental disorder.[1][2] From perspectives of the discipline of positive psychology or holism mental health may include an individual's ability to enjoy life and procure a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience.[1]

                    The World Health Organization defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”.[3] It was previously stated that there was no one "official" definition of mental health. Cultural differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional theories all affect how "mental health" is defined.[4]

                    History of mental disorders

                    In the mid-19th century, William Sweetzer was the first to clearly define the term "mental hygiene", which can be seen as the precursor to contemporary approaches to work on promoting positive mental health.[5] Isaac Ray, one of thirteen founders of the American Psychiatric Association, further defined mental hygiene as an art to preserve the mind against incidents and influences which would inhibit or destroy its energy, quality or development.[5]

                    At the beginning of the 20th century, Clifford Beers founded the National Committee for Mental Hygiene and opened the first outpatient mental health clinic in the United States.[5][6]


                    Mental wellbeing

                    Mental health can be seen as a continuum, where an individual's mental health may have many different possible values[7]. Mental wellness is generally viewed as a positive attribute, such that a person can reach enhanced levels of mental health, even if they do not have any diagnosable mental health condition. This definition of mental health highlights emotional well-being, the capacity to live a full and creative life, and the flexibility to deal with life's inevitable challenges. Many therapeutic systems and self-help books offer methods and philosophies espousing strategies and techniques vaunted as effective for further improving the mental wellness of otherwise healthy people. Positive psychology is increasingly prominent in mental health.

                    A holistic model of mental health generally includes concepts based upon anthropological, educational, psychological, religious and sociological perspectives, as well as theoretical perspectives from personality, social, clinical, health and developmental psychology.[8][9]

                    An example of a wellness model includes one developed by Myers, Sweeney and Witmer. It includes five life tasks — essence or spirituality, work and leisure, friendship, love and self-direction—and twelve sub tasks—sense of worth, sense of control, realistic beliefs, emotional awareness and coping, problem solving and creativity, sense of humor, nutrition, exercise, self care, stress management, gender identity, and cultural identity—are identified as characteristics of healthy functioning and a major component of wellness. The components provide a means of responding to the circumstances of life in a manner that promotes healthy functioning. Most of the US Population is not educated on Mental Health.[10]

                    Lack of a mental disorder
                    See also: Mental disorder

                    Mental health can also be defined as an absence of a major mental health condition (for example, one of the diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) though recent evidence stemming from positive psychology (see above) suggests mental health is more than the mere absence of a mental disorder or illness. Therefore the impact of social, cultural, physical and education can all affect someone's mental health.

                    Cultural and religious considerations

                    Mental health can be socially constructed and socially defined; that is, different professions, communities, societies and cultures have very different ways of conceptualizing its nature and causes, determining what is mentally healthy, and deciding what interventions are appropriate.[11] Thus, different professionals will have different cultural and religious backgrounds and experiences, which may impact the methodology applied during treatment.

                    Research has shown that there is stigma attached to mental illness[12].
                    In the United Kingdom, the Royal College of Psychiatrists organised the campaign Changing Minds (1998-2003) to help reduce stigma[13].

                    Many mental health professionals are beginning to, or already understand, the importance of competency in religious diversity and spirituality. The American Psychological Association explicitly states that religion must be respected. Education in spiritual and religious matters is also required by the American Psychiatric Association.[14]

                    Psychology portal

                    See also

                    * Global Mental Health
                    * Health
                    * Public health

                    * Self-help groups for mental health
                    * Mental health law
                    * Infant mental health

                    Related concepts

                    * Dissociation (psychology)
                    * Mental environment
                    * Mental disorder
                    * Mental health professional

                    * Sanity
                    * Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV

                    Related disciplines and specialties

                    * Psychology
                    * Positive psychology
                    * Psychiatry
                    * DSM-IV Codes

                    * Social work
                    * Youth Health
                    * Psychiatric nurse


                    1. ^ a b (2006, July 25). What is Mental Health?. Retrieved June 1, 2007, from
                    2. ^ Princeton University. (Unknown last update). Retrieved June 1, 2007, from
                    3. ^ World Health Organization (2005). Promoting Mental Health: Concepts, Emerging evidence, Practice: A report of the World Health Organization, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse in collaboration with the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation and the University of Melbourne. World Health Organization. Geneva.
                    4. ^ World Health Report 2001 - Mental Health: New Understanding, New Hope, World Health Organization, 2001
                    5. ^ a b c Johns Hopkins University. (2007). Origins of Mental Health. Retrieved June 1, 2007, from
                    6. ^ Clifford Beers Clinic. (2006, October 30). About Clifford Beers Clinic. Retrieved June 1, 2007, from
                    7. ^ Keyes, Corey (2002). "The mental health continuum: from languishing to flourishing in life". Journal of Health and Social Behaviour 43: 207-222.
                    8. ^ Witmer, J.M.; Sweeny, T.J. (1992). "A holistic model for wellness and prevention over the lifespan". Journal of Counseling and Development 71: 140–148.
                    9. ^ Hattie, J.A.; Myers, J.E.; Sweeney, T.J. (2004). "A factor structure of wellness: Theory, assessment, analysis and practice". Journal of Counseling and Development 82: 354–364.
                    10. ^ Myers, J.E.; Sweeny, T.J.; Witmer, J.M. (2000). "The wheel of wellness counseling for wellness: A holistic model for treatment planning. Journal of Counseling and Development". Journal of Counseling and Development 78: 251–266.
                    11. ^ Weare, Katherine (2000). Promoting mental, emotional and social health: A whole school approach. London: RoutledgeFalmer. p. 12. ISBN 978-0415168755.
                    12. ^ Office of the Deputy Prime Minister - Social Exclusion Unit: "Factsheet 1: Stigma and Discrimination on Mental Health Grounds".2004.
                    13. ^ Royal College of Psychiatrists: Changing Minds.
                    14. ^ Richards, P.S.; Bergin, A. E. (2000). Handbook of Psychotherapy and Religious Diversity. Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association. p. 4. ISBN 978-1557986245.


                    • La salud mental:bienestar físico y psiquico!

                      Salud mental o "estado mental" es la manera como se conoce, en términos generales, el estado de equilibrio entre una persona y su entorno socio-cultural lo que garantiza su participación laboral, intelectual y de relaciones para alcanzar un bienestar y calidad de vida.
                      Se dice "salud mental" como analogía de lo que se conoce como "salud o estado físico", pero en lo referente a la salud mental indudablemente existen dimensiones más complejas que el funcionamiento orgánico y físico del individuo.
                      La salud mental a sido definida de múltiples formas por estudiosos de diferentes culturas.
                      Los conceptos de salud mental incluyen el bienestar subjetivo,la autonomía,la competitividad y potencial emocional,entre otros. Sin embargo, las precisiones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) establecen que no existe una definición "oficial" sobre lo que es salud mental y que cualquier definición al respecto estará siempre influenciada por diferencias culturales, asunciones subjetivas, disputas entre teorías profesionales y demás.

                      En cambio, un punto en común en el cual coinciden los expertos es que "salud mental" y "enfermedades mentales" no son dos conceptos opuestos, es decir, la ausencia de un reconocido desorden mental no indica necesariamente que se tenga salud mental y, al revés, sufrir un determinado trastorno mental no es óbice para disfrutar de una salud mental razonablemente buena.

                      La observación del comportamiento de una persona en sus vida diaria es la principal manera de conocer el estado de su salud mental en aspectos como el manejo de sus temores y capacidades, sus competencias y responsabilidades, la manutención de sus propias necesidades, las maneras en las que afronta sus propias tensiones, sus relaciones interpersonales y la manera como lidera una vida independiente. Además el comportamiento que tiene una persona frente a situaciones difíciles y la superación de momentos traumáticos permiten establecer una tipología acerca de su nivel de salud mental.


                      Muchos expertos consideran a la salud mental como un continuum, es decir, que la salud mental de un individuo puede tener diferentes y múltiples valores. El bienestar mental, por ejemplo, es visto como aquel atributo positivo por el que una persona puede alcanzar los niveles correspondientes de salud mental que resultan en la capacidad de vivir en plenitud y con creatividad, además de poseer una evidente flexibilidad que le permite afrontar dificultades, fracasos y los retos inevitables que plantea la vida. Muchos sistemas terapéuticos y libros de auto-ayuda ofrecen métodos, filosofías, estrategias y técnicas con el fin de estimular el desarrollo del bienestar mental en personas sanas. La psicología positiva tiene un gran campo en esta materia.
                      De acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la salud mental puede definirse de la siguiente manera:
                      "La salud mental ha sido definida de múltiples formas por estudiosos de diferentes culturas. Los conceptos de salud mental incluyen el bienestar subjetivo, la autosuficiencia perseguida, la autonomía, la competitividad, la dependencia intergeneracional y la autoactualización del propio intelecto y potencial emocional, entre otros. Desde una perspectiva cultural, es casi imposible definir la salud mental de manera comprensible. Sin embargo, algunas veces se utiliza una definición amplia y los profesionales generalmente están de acuerdo en decir que la salud mental es un concepto más complejo que decir simplemente que se trata de la carencia de un desorden mental"[1]

                      Dice además la OMS que el aspecto de la salud mental es una materia de vital importancia en todo el mundo pues tiene que ver con el bienestar de la persona, de las sociedades y de las naciones y que sólo una pequeña minoría de los 450 millones de personas que sufren de desórdenes mentales o del comportamiento reciben en efecto un tratamiento. Concluye la organización que los desórdenes mentales son producto de una compleja interacción entre factores biológicos, psicológicos y sociales.[2]

                      El tema de la salud mental, además, no concierne sólo a los aspectos de atención posterior al surgimiento de desordenes mentales evidentes, sino que corresponde además al terreno de la prevención de los mismos con la promoción de un ambiente socio-cultural determinado por aspectos como la autoestima, las relaciones interpersonales y otros elementos que deben venir ya desde la educación más primaria de la niñez y de la juventud. Esta preocupación no sólo concierne a los expertos, sino que forma parte de las responsabilidades de gobierno de una nación, de la formación en el núcleo familiar, de un ambiente de convivencia sana en el vecindario, de la responsabilidad asumida por los medios de comunicación y de la consciente guía hacia una salud mental en la escuela y en los espacios de trabajo y estudio en general.

                      Aspectos psicológicos sanos

                      Desde las teorias psicodinámicas se postula que la salud mental así como los aspectos patológicos son partes constitutivas de todo individuo. La constitución personal de cada sujeto implica capacidades o aspectos sanos y otros patológicos, siendo la proporción de los mismos variable entre personas.
                      Así pues, según Bion, la capacidad para tolerar la frustración sería una primera capacidad sana que permitiría al individuo en desarrollo el inicio del proceso de pensamiento y comprensión del mundo y de sí mismo.
                      La función del pensamiento sería la base de la salud mental. Esta se ve favorecida por un ambiente de contención (función materna o cuidadora) que permite tolerar la frustración e iniciar el desarrollo del aparato mental, la base de la salud mental. La ausencia de cuidadores suficientemente contenedores o una predisposición constitucional poco capaz implicaría un desarrollo menor de estas capacidades y, por tanto, una menor salud mental.

                      Interacción salud mental - salud física

                      Es necesario no separar la realidad de la salud mental de la salud física, que se corresponde a la perfección con la sentencia "mente sana en cuerpo sano". La relación que existe entre las enfermedades biológicas y las enfermedades mentales tienen una evidente conexión, como lo señala Benedetto Saraceno en el Simposio "Salud mental y física durante toda la vida" de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS):
                      "Los desafíos complejos que presenta la comorbilidad de las enfermedades mentales y físicas estarían mucho mejor atendidos en todo el mundo con estrategias de atención integral dirigidas al paciente y a la comunidad (...) Los expertos tienen que comunicarse porque es evidente que la comorbilidad entre lo físico y lo mental exige una intervención vertical, no horizontal. La comorbilidad clínica es la regla, no la excepción"[3]

                      En ese mismo Simposio la directora de la OPS, Mirta Roses Periago, presentó un informe estadístico acerca de los problemas mentales y morbilidad en el continente americano. Dice Roses que si en 1990 existía en América un número aproximado de 114 millones de personas con trastornos mentales, esa cifra aumentará en 176 millones para el 2010 y que lo preocupante es que tan sólo una minoría recibe tratamiento. Roses aseguró que según los diagnósticos que la OPS había realizado en México en personas con enfermedades mentales, el 80% de los pacientes diagnosticados no habían recibido ningún tipo de atención en los 12 meses previos al realizado por la OPS. Además, añade Roses que una cuarta parte de la población adulta en América Latina y el Caribe ha sufrido de algún problema mental, que al menos cinco millones de personas sufren epilepsia y de estos sólo un 1,5 millones reciben algún tipo de atención.[4]

                      Concepto de higiene mental

                      El concepto de salud mental fue descrito en primer lugar como "higiene mental" por el psiquiatra estadounidense Clifford Whittingham Beers en 1908, quien fundó el Comité Nacional de Higiene Mental en 1909 y adelantó la campaña por los derechos de los enfermos mentales. Otro psiquiatra, William Glasser, describió la "higiene mental" en su libro "Salud mental o enfermedad mental",[5] siguiendo el diccionario de definiciones de higiene como "prevención y mantenimiento de la salud".

                      Sin embargo es necesario establecer un punto de diferenciación entre "salud mental" y "condiciones de salud mental". La salud mental es lo que se trata de establecer en este estudio, mientras que las condiciones de salud mental se refieren al estudio de enfermedades mentales y al tratamiento médico posible y consecuente. Para esto último, "condiciones de salud mental", los psiquiatras se basan con frecuencia en lo que se denomina el "Manual de diagnósticos y estadísticas de desórdenes mentales" (su sigla en inglés es DSM-IV o ICD-10), así como en las siempre actualizadas guías como el "Proyecto de medicación Algorithm de Texas" (TMAP) para diagnosticar y descubrir enfermedades y desórdenes mentales. Por lo tanto, la mayoría de los servicios prestados a la salud mental en general se encuentran normalmente asociados a la psiquiatría y no existen otras alternativas, lo que conlleva a un cierto límite, puesto que se asocia la salud mental con problemas psiquiátricos y se reduce con ello el concepto de las condiciones de salud mental.


                      • Los hombres pusilamines tienden a amar a las cabronas!

                        Las'cabronas'suelen ser y desarrollarse como'figuras de autoridad'..


                        • Mx.,y el porque y como de la mexicanidad...

                          El laberinto de la soledad
                          Autor Octavio Paz
                          País México
                          Lengua Español
                          Género Ensayo
                          Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica
                          Formato Impreso
                          ISBN ISBN 968-161-643-X

                          El laberinto de la soledad es un eslarecedor libro de analisis y crítica social del porque de lo mexicano de Octavio Paz publicado en 1950. Consta de nueve ensayos: "El pachuco y otros extremos", "Máscaras mexicanas", "Todos santos, día de muertos", "Los hijos de la Malinche", "Conquista y Colonia", "De la Independencia a la Revolución", "La inteligencia mexicana", "Nuestros días" y como apéndice: "La dialéctica de la soledad".

                          El 'Laberinto de la soledad' parte de una verdad trágica e irrevocable: en el ser mexicano está presente, aún después de muchas generaciones, el hecho de que se trata de un pueblo mayormente mestizo muchas veces surgido de una violación,o casi. Dice Octavio Paz: "En todas sus dimensiones, de frente y de perfil, en su pasado y en su presente, el mexicano resulta un ser cargado de tradición que, acaso sin darse cuenta, actúa obedeciendo a la voz de la raza..."...y,desde luego,'por mi raza hablará el espiritu'...

                          Enlaces externos

                          * Fondo de Cultura Económica Reseña del libro, a cargo de la casa editorial.
                          * La Soledad del Laberinto por Enrique Krauze


                          • Re: La década perdida.

                            ¡+ q'decada son ya casi 30 años perdidos!


                            • El Che:buen estratega,excelente táctico,buen'hombre de Estado',desmedidamente audaz!

                              Valiente entre los valientes,violento,represivo,su desmedida ambición lo perdio...


                              • Re: Los pegostes de Cronos

                                sigpic INSERT RANDOM BULLSHIT HERE.

