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México Estado Fallido
Re: México Estado Fallido
Se registra persecución y balacera en el centro de Monterrey
Aparecen vivas mujeres plagiadas en Durango
Re: México Estado Fallido
320 mil mdd, ingresos anuales del narco: ONU
Y el pendejazo de Felipollo Cacalderón delira con que puede hacer algo en contra de ese negocio.
Re: México Estado Fallido
Asesinan a familia en Sinaloa
Hallan campo para adiestramiento en Jalisco
Incendian casa en Sinaloa; hay tres lesionados
Menores de 20, 40% de delincuentes en NL
Marinos y sicarios se enfrentan durante funeral
Mueren tres en ataque a bar en Sonora
Matan a 8 durante puente vacacional en Morelos
Re: México Estado Fallido
La recuperación económica se debe a la política fiscal, asegura Ernesto Cordero en Londres
Otra mentira más de ese pendejo.
¿La crisis vino de afuera pero la recuperación de adentro?
Hasta para la lógica elemental Cordero es un pendejo.
Re: México Estado Fallido
To kill the messenger
by Denise Dresser
21 Mar. 11
Eventually Felipe Calderón got what we wanted. [b]to kill the messenger. To exile the ambassador . To behead the diplomat. To get Carlos Pascal’s dismissal, only because he annoyed Mr. caldeRON, as the ambassador stressed the negative consequences carried by the war that Calderon lashed. To upset the Mexican army and to show that -sometimes- doesn’t act with the needed efficiency or quickness required. To stress the Mexican State’s internal division, and the security agencies confronted. To inform about the [b] National Action party’s presidential candidates’ grayness and how Calderon doesn’t know what to do to strengthen his own position and that of his party because saying the truth even if it hurts to acknowledge it . truth that the presidentdoesn’t want to face, that the Mexican Army doesn’t like to face,
doesn’t want to hear, the Public Security Secretariat prefers to make up, and National Action conservative Party would like to deny
A stubborn truth that begins to appear each day, even the number of drug traffickers detained or killed, even the number of weapons taken out, even the cocaine confiscated, México isn’t winning the war against drug traffickers, and organized crime. Neither more, but nor else. The compelled U. S: ambassador dismissal can’t hide /i]the 36,000 dead people , the executions , murders and kidnappings, the impunity at all levels, And they tell us once more that violence is an unavoidable consequences , when as Eduardo Guerrero[/b[/b points out in his wonderful articles in Nexos magazine- It shouldn’t be that way. And they try to Reminds us that it’s only the drug dialers killing themselves., when the executions go beyond the drug traffickers World. And they urge us the denounce the bad guys., when 98.% percent of the crimes are not ever solved.
As warns the Sun Tzu in the art of war, all of them entails a deception, and Mexico’s a victim mockery of it. The Mexican government has not been honest with the people about the huge challenges that faces.. the self-defeating mistakes that has committed. The out of way it’s founded. The kind of help that has requested to the United States. The collaboration degree that had demanded. The American agents’ number that has allowed, and from there all the contradictions , evasions, incongruities that shown by president caldeRON and the Foreign Relations Secretary, Patricia Espinosa, and the National Defense Secretariat. All demand that the United States appropriate more resources, more attention, more significance to Mr. Calderon war, . but they go backwards when this help is made public. When this collaboration is revealed.
When initiatives like Fast and FurioUS and the over flights into national land by U. S: Planes in charge to develop intelligence Jobs-covered by the Mexican newspapers in their first pages.
When tactic and strategic failures made by Mr. Calderon’s government are made public by WikiLeaks.
Then it begins the so known practice to look for a shelter under the patriotism’s umbrella. Between the fold of our national flag. Behind the pronounced diatribes on behalf sovereignty. The United States is filed with an intromission demand., after being assiduously asked by Felipe CaldeRON The criticism about U. S: intervention, [ i]afterwards it has been requested by the same Mexican government. Mr. Carlos Pascual is accused to be the proconsul, afterwards that the Mexican authorities –by incompetence or unaccountability- had given such role-The ambassador is cut up for “his supposed lack of knowledge” after he sent cables that contained truly and realistic diagnosis. Hard to read but difficult to contradict them.
Instead of killing the Messenger, Felipe Calderón[ ] should think about the dispatch he sent. It contains everything that should take him to rethink the war, and the terms which he is waging,. to rectify the strategy that up to the moment has increased violence without decreasing drug trafficking. To restate [b] the relationship with the United States over more honest basis with their self and with their fellow-citizens. . to redefine the success of his offensive, so the priority should be the execution’s reduction .Because if he doesn’t do that, it won’t matter if Calderóngot Mr. Carlos Pascual’ s head, if he only got short term applauses;, if he impose his will .
To morrow when the U. S. ambassador had taken his luggage , Ciudad Juárez will still be the unsafest city in the whole World, and Homicide rate will be growing at alarming rate. [b]Public Security Institutions will be incapable to prevent, detect, investigate or even sanction the large majority of violent acts that frighten the country.. Mexican government will still be asking for help to the United States in a surreptitious way, denying it when it reaches the public light. [/i]The message is crystal clear. b] If we don not finish with this war, - bad conceived, bad fought and bad explained-, [i]the war will finish with us.
And we don’t need t o read any Carlos Pascual`s communications to know it
Re: México Estado Fallido
Mueren cinco soldados tras accidente en Edomex
Asesinan a líder sindical de la CTM Morelos
Hallan dos cadáveres en Acapulco
Hallan ahorcado a ex edil preso en Michoacán
Re: México Estado Fallido
Denuncian tráfico de drogas en aeródromo de BCS
Fracasa política de vivienda
Re: México Estado Fallido
Hallan 5 cadáveres amordazados en Sinaloa; estaban en bolsas
Matan a siete personas en Mazatlán
Matan a 12 en Sinaloa en las últimas horas
Re: México Estado Fallido
ATF no operó sola en Rápido y Furioso: Agente
Ejecución con narcomensaje al general Villa Castillo en Cancún
Un milico menos.