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chiste de humor racista y en ingles

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  • chiste de humor racista y en ingles

    asi que si no tienes sentido del humor, ni sabes ingles no es para ti

    A plane is losing power the pilot comes over the intercom and says "sorry it had to come to this folks, but we already let the luggage go and the plane continues to lose speed, I hate to have to do this, but now we're gonna have to start releasing passengers in alphabetical Order.
    Beginning with the letter "A" of course, so are there AFRICANS,ANY AFRICANS? No one answer...ok now "B" BLACK PEOPLE ANY BLACK PEOPLE? Again silence. "C" COLORED PEOPLE ANY COLORED PEOPLE? Silence.
    A black child turns to his mother and asks, Mom, arent we African American, Black and Colored? His mother turns to him and says "Honey today we are NIGGAS", let them Mexicans go first!" So the little black boy turns to the little mexican kid sitting next to him and laughs!
    The mexican kid laughs back and says "I'm a WETBACK, so get ready to jump my nigga"!!.

  • #2
    Re: chiste de humor racista y en ingles

    But you forgot than instead of "white people" the next after "africans" were "arians"

    sigpicARRIBA EL NORTE!!! (Si no me creen, vean el mapa)


    • #3
      Re: chiste de humor racista y en ingles

      JAJAJAJA.....Eleva racist friend...
      No hay genio sin un gramo de locura.

