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nomás la puntita.....

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  • Re: nomás la puntita.....


    Published by Reformacom

    The never ending Mexican image …

    ….it doesn’t matter if a police officer takes a bribe for unfulfilling his job, also it doesn’t matter being Mexico City’s mayor, ( whom has been appointed as the best city mayor of the whole world, by someone that of course, doesn’t live in Mexico City) (they also have forgotten than when he was Chief of Mexico City’s police, he allowed a mob to burn alive two (2) [II] federal police officers, and we all Mexicans watched the horrible fact by TV) ) looking to protect a small Group investors’ interest; the private interest of a small group of real state investors;

    It couldn’t care less that a corrupt judge, gave permission to such investors, breaking the development regulations for the zone. ( that will serve for the mayor of the borough, Demetrio Sodi de La Tijera, to wash his hands, pointing the fault to the judiciary system as the responsible for such law violations that will lower the inhabitants life quality in what was Mexico City’s greenest west side

    For all written before and taking the Christmas Holiday seasons from December 12th. to January 6th., the investor Group didn’t respect the demolitions’ restraining order issued by the National Institute of Fine Arts, to preserve the old building, so they demolished without any permit..

    In the early days of December, our corrupt authorities had informed to us, likewise His French Majesty Louis XIV ( yes that one that had said He was The State) that the building will be constructed, without taking into account any neighbor public opinion, and (SIC) “as to alleviate the impact and harm to the enviroment, we will count with bicycles, so we wouldn’t harm the green enviroment,”

    Of course that the borough mayor, Demetrio Sodi De La Tijera didn’t show his face to the meetings:

    He only sent his employees, like Mr. Ricardo Pascoe Pierce, whose task was to make a mockery of the meeting.

    It also doesn’t matter what Denise Dresser writes today in Reforma newspaper

    Public evil

    By Denise Dresser

    On what side does stands mayor Marcelo Ebrard? from the law side or its selective application? From the greedy developers or common citizens? From the multimillion profit side for a few, or from the side of urban improvements with benefits for many? From the side of right planning or the harming improvisation? Form the side of a city that provides public welfare to their inhabitants, or the side of a city that allows its privatization? Main and critical questions. Questions that go to heart of how the power is exercised, an behalf of whom relevant questions to Marcelo Ebrard, since he is standing in the wrong side.

    Here in a City nodal point near the crossroad between Paseo de La Reforma avenue, and Periferico there is a microcosm of opacity and highhandedness, collusion and corruption, flexed authorities, accomplice authorities. Here in a 25 store tower , that will bring 7,000 people with all their cars to a zone already overflowed, - is the best example of the worst practices. Real state developers that already got a constitutional guarantee for protection of their rights to infringe the law, even the area residents have to being compelled to respect it. Authorities that state themselves powerless before the construction of a building that breaks a lot of regulations over the environment and traffic impact. A business Group, -Danhos- that gets privileges and permits, that aren’t granted to a common citizenship, but those with buddies in Mexico City’s government. fait accomplif – like the demolition Vladimir Kaspé building demolished, taking advantage of the Christmas Holidays, that are a mockery to the neighbors. An affront to citizens, a violation to the general rules for urban development..

    Before that what surprise more is Marcelo Ebrard willingness His silence. The schizophrenia shown by the Mayor of the year”` when he promotes the bicycle and metrobus use, but on the other hand he allows a project that encourage vehicle use, and the private appropiation of public spaces. The contradiction in which someone falls that for good reasons , was opposed to the Bicentennial Tower and now allows an equal structure to be built in the same place.

    And what to s ay about the borough mayor Demetrio Sodi,[7b] that states that he isn’t going to be a neighbor’s .martyr, when his duty is to represent them. Or the City environment responsible, Martha Delgado, that as it seems, she agrees with the arrival of more than two thousand daily car, - that will form a line of more than seven miles to enter the building- to blocks from Chapultepec Forest. Teodoro González de León, one of the most respected architects in Mexico, involved in a Project that implies traffic chaos and environment destruction, the worst urban bullying caused by Dahnos Group and the obvious collusion from the authorities that allow it

    And in a failed attempt to defend the unjustifiable , both Dahnos Group and government argue thay the Project has a constitutional guarantee for the protection of their own private rights to build a 25 store tower. A guarantee granted over a questionable conditions, whose honesty is not shown. A guarantee that shouldn’t be a permission to break other regulation in the zone. A guarantee that it is Only for the number of stores, but that shouldn’t provide coverage to ignore the development planning for Chapultepec Forest. A guarantee that has become a way to show something as a fait accompli , if the best city mayor would really apply the law with equity ( By the way this was the motto of his campaign)
    To them as is shown, he allow to break the law to permit the same traffic jam over Paseo de la Reforma for any event in the Auditory , two times per day and 5 days of the week,. To them ensures all benefits even will generate public costs.

    This is whar happens when a government isn’t capable to value general regulations for all. When the business is form a multimillion contractor is over the right of the neighborghood when there aren´t any crystal clear rules neither sanctions to those who ignore them. When the authority yields and allows, negociating the law and lets that everyone a street vendor, a street car washer or a powerful group like Dahnos interprets the law to their own will, a scenery iis created where everyone does what they please. They take possession of one street, or construct a building that goes against the prevailing regulation or they take gun handed whatever they wish. The city and the nations becomes a Hobbes environment where the willingness of the strongest, the more corrupt the one with more contacts under government , the one who can furnish the largest briefcase full of money wins,

    From all this is the inerative to summon Marcelo Ebrard to be responsible for all that he`s allowing. To require an explanation of all the action that resemble a corrupt or a colluded government. To insist where he is standing and behalf of whom he is governing. To stop a construction to benefirt a few private intere$t$ , while he produce great public evil

    Responsable de la Traduccion: Rafael Norma Méndez

    Copyright © Grupo Reforma Servicio Informativo


    • Re: nomás la puntita.....

      mensaje repetido...
      Rafael Norma
      Forista Turquesa
      Last edited by Rafael Norma; 21-marzo-2012, 04:35.


      • Re: nomás la puntita.....


        Published by Reformacom

        The never ending Mexican image …

        ….it doesn’t matter if a police officer takes a bribe for unfulfilling his job, also it doesn’t matter being Mexico City’s mayor, ( whom has been appointed as the best city mayor of the whole world, by someone that of course, doesn’t live in Mexico City) (they also have forgotten than when he was Chief of Mexico City’s police, he allowed a mob to burn alive two (2) [II] federal police officers, and we all Mexicans watched the horrible fact by TV) ) looking to protect a small Group investors’ interest; the private interest of a small group of real state investors;

        It couldn’t care less that a corrupt judge, gave permission to such investors, breaking the development regulations for the zone. ( that will serve for the mayor of the borough, Demetrio Sodi de La Tijera, to wash his hands, pointing the fault to the judiciary system as the responsible for such law violations that will lower the inhabitants life quality in what was Mexico City’s greenest west side

        For all written before and taking the Christmas Holiday seasons from December 12th. to January 6th., the investor Group didn’t respect the demolitions’ restraining order issued by the National Institute of Fine Arts, to preserve the old building, so they demolished without any permit..

        In the early days of December, our corrupt authorities had informed to us, likewise His French Majesty Louis XIV ( yes that one that had said He was The State) that the building will be constructed, without taking into account any neighbor public opinion, and (SIC) “as to alleviate the impact and harm to the enviroment, we will count with bicycles, so we wouldn’t harm the green enviroment,”

        Of course that the borough mayor, Demetrio Sodi De La Tijera didn’t show his face to the meetings:

        He only sent his employees, like Mr. Ricardo Pascoe Pierce, whose task was to make a mockery of the meeting.

        It also doesn’t matter what Denise Dresser writes today in Reforma newspaper

        Public evil

        By Denise Dresser

        On what side does stands mayor Marcelo Ebrard? from the law side or its selective application? From the greedy developers or common citizens? From the multimillion profit side for a few, or from the side of urban improvements with benefits for many? From the side of right planning or the harming improvisation? Form the side of a city that provides public welfare to their inhabitants, or the side of a city that allows its privatization? Main and critical questions. Questions that go to heart of how the power is exercised, an behalf of whom relevant questions to Marcelo Ebrard, since he is standing in the wrong side.

        Here in a City nodal point near the crossroad between Paseo de La Reforma avenue, and Periferico there is a microcosm of opacity and highhandedness, collusion and corruption, flexed authorities, accomplice authorities. Here in a 25 store tower , that will bring 7,000 people with all their cars to a zone already overflowed, - is the best example of the worst practices. Real state developers that already got a constitutional guarantee for protection of their rights to infringe the law, even the area residents have to being compelled to respect it. Authorities that state themselves powerless before the construction of a building that breaks a lot of regulations over the environment and traffic impact. A business Group, -Danhos- that gets privileges and permits, that aren’t granted to a common citizenship, but those with buddies in Mexico City’s government. fait accomplif – like the demolition Vladimir Kaspé building demolished, taking advantage of the Christmas Holidays, that are a mockery to the neighbors. An affront to citizens, a violation to the general rules for urban development..

        Before that what surprise more is Marcelo Ebrard willingness His silence. The schizophrenia shown by the Mayor of the year”` when he promotes the bicycle and metrobus use, but on the other hand he allows a project that encourage vehicle use, and the private appropiation of public spaces. The contradiction in which someone falls that for good reasons , was opposed to the Bicentennial Tower and now allows an equal structure to be built in the same place.

        And what to s ay about the borough mayor Demetrio Sodi,[7b] that states that he isn’t going to be a neighbor’s .martyr, when his duty is to represent them. Or the City environment responsible, Martha Delgado, that as it seems, she agrees with the arrival of more than two thousand daily car, - that will form a line of more than seven miles to enter the building- to blocks from Chapultepec Forest. Teodoro González de León, one of the most respected architects in Mexico, involved in a Project that implies traffic chaos and environment destruction, the worst urban bullying caused by Dahnos Group and the obvious collusion from the authorities that allow it

        And in a failed attempt to defend the unjustifiable , both Dahnos Group and government argue thay the Project has a constitutional guarantee for the protection of their own private rights to build a 25 store tower. A guarantee granted over a questionable conditions, whose honesty is not shown. A guarantee that shouldn’t be a permission to break other regulation in the zone. A guarantee that it is Only for the number of stores, but that shouldn’t provide coverage to ignore the development planning for Chapultepec Forest. A guarantee that has become a way to show something as a fait accompli , if the best city mayor would really apply the law with equity ( By the way this was the motto of his campaign)
        To them as is shown, he allow to break the law to permit the same traffic jam over Paseo de la Reforma for any event in the Auditory , two times per day and 5 days of the week,. To them ensures all benefits even will generate public costs.

        This is whar happens when a government isn’t capable to value general regulations for all. When the business is form a multimillion contractor is over the right of the neighborghood when there aren´t any crystal clear rules neither sanctions to those who ignore them. When the authority yields and allows, negociating the law and lets that everyone a street vendor, a street car washer or a powerful group like Dahnos interprets the law to their own will, a scenery iis created where everyone does what they please. They take possession of one street, or construct a building that goes against the prevailing regulation or they take gun handed whatever they wish. The city and the nations becomes a Hobbes environment where the willingness of the strongest, the more corrupt the one with more contacts under government , the one who can furnish the largest briefcase full of money wins,

        From all this is the inerative to summon Marcelo Ebrard to be responsible for all that he`s allowing. To require an explanation of all the action that resemble a corrupt or a colluded government. To insist where he is standing and behalf of whom he is governing. To stop a construction to benefirt a few private intere$t$ , while he produce great public evil

        Responsable de la Traduccion: Rafael Norma Méndez

        Copyright © Grupo Reforma Servicio Informativo


        • Re: nomás la puntita.....


          Published by Reformacom

          The never ending Mexican image …

          ….it doesn’t matter if a police officer takes a bribe for unfulfilling his job, also it doesn’t matter being Mexico City’s mayor, ( whom has been appointed as the best city mayor of the whole world, by someone that of course, doesn’t live in Mexico City) (they also have forgotten than when he was Chief of Mexico City’s police, he allowed a mob to burn alive two (2) [II] federal police officers, and we all Mexicans watched the horrible fact by TV) ) looking to protect a small Group investors’ interest; the private interest of a small group of real state investors;

          It couldn’t care less that a corrupt judge, gave permission to such investors, breaking the development regulations for the zone. ( that will serve for the mayor of the borough, Demetrio Sodi de La Tijera, to wash his hands, pointing the fault to the judiciary system as the responsible for such law violations that will lower the inhabitants life quality in what was Mexico City’s greenest west side

          For all written before and taking the Christmas Holiday seasons from December 12th. to January 6th., the investor Group didn’t respect the demolitions’ restraining order issued by the National Institute of Fine Arts, to preserve the old building, so they demolished without any permit..

          In the early days of December, our corrupt authorities had informed to us, likewise His French Majesty Louis XIV ( yes that one that had said He was The State) that the building will be constructed, without taking into account any neighbor public opinion, and (SIC) “as to alleviate the impact and harm to the enviroment, we will count with bicycles, so we wouldn’t harm the green enviroment,”

          Of course that the borough mayor, Demetrio Sodi De La Tijera didn’t show his face to the meetings:

          He only sent his employees, like Mr. Ricardo Pascoe Pierce, whose task was to make a mockery of the meeting.

          It also doesn’t matter what Denise Dresser writes today in Reforma newspaper

          Public evil

          By Denise Dresser

          On what side does stands mayor Marcelo Ebrard? from the law side or its selective application? From the greedy developers or common citizens? From the multimillion profit side for a few, or from the side of urban improvements with benefits for many? From the side of right planning or the harming improvisation? Form the side of a city that provides public welfare to their inhabitants, or the side of a city that allows its privatization? Main and critical questions. Questions that go to heart of how the power is exercised, an behalf of whom relevant questions to Marcelo Ebrard, since he is standing in the wrong side.

          Here in a City nodal point near the crossroad between Paseo de La Reforma avenue, and Periferico there is a microcosm of opacity and highhandedness, collusion and corruption, flexed authorities, accomplice authorities. Here in a 25 store tower , that will bring 7,000 people with all their cars to a zone already overflowed, - is the best example of the worst practices. Real state developers that already got a constitutional guarantee for protection of their rights to infringe the law, even the area residents have to being compelled to respect it. Authorities that state themselves powerless before the construction of a building that breaks a lot of regulations over the environment and traffic impact. A business Group, -Danhos- that gets privileges and permits, that aren’t granted to a common citizenship, but those with buddies in Mexico City’s government. fait accomplif – like the demolition Vladimir Kaspé building demolished, taking advantage of the Christmas Holidays, that are a mockery to the neighbors. An affront to citizens, a violation to the general rules for urban development..

          Before that what surprise more is Marcelo Ebrard willingness His silence. The schizophrenia shown by the Mayor of the year”` when he promotes the bicycle and metrobus use, but on the other hand he allows a project that encourage vehicle use, and the private appropiation of public spaces. The contradiction in which someone falls that for good reasons , was opposed to the Bicentennial Tower and now allows an equal structure to be built in the same place.

          And what to s ay about the borough mayor Demetrio Sodi,[7b] that states that he isn’t going to be a neighbor’s .martyr, when his duty is to represent them. Or the City environment responsible, Martha Delgado, that as it seems, she agrees with the arrival of more than two thousand daily car, - that will form a line of more than seven miles to enter the building- to blocks from Chapultepec Forest. Teodoro González de León, one of the most respected architects in Mexico, involved in a Project that implies traffic chaos and environment destruction, the worst urban bullying caused by Dahnos Group and the obvious collusion from the authorities that allow it

          And in a failed attempt to defend the unjustifiable , both Dahnos Group and government argue thay the Project has a constitutional guarantee for the protection of their own private rights to build a 25 store tower. A guarantee granted over a questionable conditions, whose honesty is not shown. A guarantee that shouldn’t be a permission to break other regulation in the zone. A guarantee that it is Only for the number of stores, but that shouldn’t provide coverage to ignore the development planning for Chapultepec Forest. A guarantee that has become a way to show something as a fait accompli , if the best city mayor would really apply the law with equity ( By the way this was the motto of his campaign)
          To them as is shown, he allow to break the law to permit the same traffic jam over Paseo de la Reforma for any event in the Auditory , two times per day and 5 days of the week,. To them ensures all benefits even will generate public costs.

          This is what happens when a government isn’t capable to value general regulations for all. When the business is form a multimillion contractor is over the right of the neighborghood when there aren´t any crystal clear rules neither sanctions to those who ignore them. When the authority yields and allows, negociating the law and lets that everyone a street vendor, a street car washer or a powerful group like Dahnos interprets the law to their own will, a scenery iis created where everyone does what they please. They take possession of one street, or construct a building that goes against the prevailing regulation or they take gun handed whatever they wish. The city and the nations becomes a Hobbes environment where the willingness of the strongest, the more corrupt the one with more contacts under government , the one who can furnish the largest briefcase full of money wins,

          From all this is the i,perative to summon Marcelo Ebrard to be responsible for all that he`s allowing. To require an explanation of all the action that resemble a corrupt or a colluded government. To insist where he is standing and behalf of whom he is governing. To stop a construction to benefirt a few private intere$t$ , while he produce great public evil

          Responsable de la Traduccion: Rafael Norma Méndez

          Copyright © Grupo Reforma Servicio Informativo


          • Re: nomás la puntita.....

            Parece que tanto al putito de @m_ebrard, como al chaquetas de @demetriosodi, les vale 1 pura y 2 con sal que la avenida Paseo de Las Palmas ya esté completamente saturada en horas hábiles. Ahora además de la lateral de Periférico que viene desde Ciudad Satélite, que desemboca en Paseo de,las Palmas, La constructora OHL de los 2dos. pisos ha hecho una conexión por arriba del inútil puente de Palmas, para saturar todavía más el tráfico, desde la parte inferior de avenida de Las Palmas.

            Basta de politicos oportunistas

            Patineta de Marcela


            • Re: nomás la puntita.....

              Nuestros padrotes @Pedregal24 con @m_ebrard, @gabycuevas, pero de Alí Babá, el Chaquetas @demetriosodi, ya nos violaron: ahora solo falta la @PGR_MX @salvolomas

              ¡Nosotros siempre hemos sido presuntos culpables….!
              ¿No basta que desde tiempos de Manuel Camacho Solís se hayan otorgado permisos para destruir a la colonia Lomas de Chapultepec, al permitir todos los adefesios de edificios que se han construido en las Lomas de Chapultepec, violando el Plan Parcial de Desarrollo de las Lomas de Chapultepec?.

              No importa que gracias a los adefesios de edificios construidos por Bloomberg y anexas,
              ahora la fuente de PEMEX se vea como una cagada de mosca!!!

              Tampoco importa que en aras de un presunta mejora en el caos vi(a)l de esta ciudad se hagan segundos pisos sobe el periférico, provocando una mayor contaminación, al beneficiar al transporte privado de personas. Ahora ya se construyó un carril más que convierte en un embudo a la Avenida Paseo de Las Palmas , gracias @m_ebrard,

              Tampoco importa que se le hay otorgado al grupo Dahnos ( pero a la ciudad) el permiso para construir otro monstruo [al igual que la @UNAM_MX, como @josefinaVM dixit] en una zona donde ya no cabe un alfiler! (gracias a la corrupción de @demetriosodi @lias el cachuchas, ( Ha sido PRIRRATA, PEDORRO y ahora es BRAGUETA PERSIGNADA AZUL) y @gaby cuevas pero de Alí Babá y los$ 40 Ladrone$ promotora de la plaza Carso del Sr. “Don” @carlosslim )

              No basta que los vecinos no podamos dormir por un helipuerto que opera 24 horas al día/los 7 días de la semana en un edificio, que eso si, cumple con la altura máxima de menos de 25 metros, gracias a la corrupción en @SCT @delegacionMH, #GDF.

              Ahora contaremos con las oficinas de la @ PGR_MX que se ubicarán en la casa que ocupaba Zhenly Ye Gon, narcotraficante de origen Chino a quien @VicenteFoxQue le otorgó la nacionalidad Mexicana

              ¿Y nosotros porqué? como diría @VicenteFoxQue ¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Basta de políticos oportunistas

              Rafael Norma
              Forista Turquesa
              Last edited by Rafael Norma; 31-marzo-2012, 14:59.


              • Re: nomás la puntita.....

                La Ciudad de México
                “en Movimiento”

                El caos vi(a)l en el DeFecado DeFectuoso

                Publicado x el periódico Reforma:

                Inmovilizan al Periférico

                Tiene vía de circunvalación al menos 40 puntos donde se atora el tránsito. Frenan esta arteria los transportistas, ambulantes y baches; también las obras

                Jonás López

                (1 abril 2012).- Recorrer los casi 59 kilómetros del Anillo Periférico implica tropezar con, mínimo, 40 puntos críticos que alentan o de plano frenan la circulación vial.

                Los atorones son provocados por embotellamientos vehiculares generados por el transporte público y de carga, por obras en marcha y por baches, pero también contribuye el ambulantaje, limpiaparabrisas que obligan a detenerse más tiempo y hasta las zonas rojas donde suelen cometerse atracos.

                A todo ello hay que sumar continuos choques y atropellamientos que afectan la movilidad sobre esta vía de circunvalación.

                Ésta es una vialidad de circunvalación por la que a diario circulan aproximadamente 400 mil vehículos a velocidades promedio de 20 kilómetros por hora de acuerdo con[b] la Secretaría de Obras y Servicios del DF.

                Durante un recorrido a lo largo del Periférico desde el Toreo hasta la frontera entre la Delegación Gustavo A. Madero y Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, se constataron diversas irregularidades.

                Hay, por ejemplo, ocho puntos donde se concentran vendedores ambulantes que aprovechan los tramos de asentamiento vehicular para ofrecer, entre los autos y hasta en carriles centrales, desde bebidas, dulces y cigarros hasta comida.

                Hay vendedores al menos en ocho puntos, entre el ex Toreo de Cuatro Caminos y Reforma; entre Avenida Tláhuac y Ermita Iztapalapa; Entre Eje 5 Sur y Eje 6 Sur, y también en Río de los Remedios.

                En cada punto de congestionamiento vial hay, en promedio, seis vendedores en carriles de alta velocidad, quienes ofrecen cigarros sueltos por 4 pesos; refrescos de 10 pesos, así como dulces, frituras, cacahuates y otras botanas, agua y chucherías como matamoscas eléctricos, peluches, entre otros, sin faltar las gorditas de nata de 10 pesos la bolsa.

                El producto más caro son las pistolas de burbujas, que cuestan 80 pesos.

                También hay decenas de locatarios establecidos en las aceras que han invadido las banquetas, como en Canal de Garay, donde se venden autos usados e incluso hay establecimientos de "talachas" sobre el carril de extrema derecha.

                A lo largo de Periférico se observa también la inadecuada operación del transporte público y de carga. Se contaron siete puntos críticos, donde el transporte público provoca embotellamientos y los tramos más afectados van del ex Toreo de Cuatro Caminos a Paseo de la Reforma, donde recorrer esos 3.2 kilómetros, aproximadamente a las 13:00 horas, requirió 22 minutos.

                Otro tramo de 4 kilómetros en Periférico Oriente, entre Avenida Tláhuac y Ermita Iztapalapa, a las 10:30 horas se hizo en 17 minutos; la principal causa del atorón fueron los semáforos y la arbitraria operación de microbuses, taxis y camiones.

                "Aquí siempre hay mucho tráfico, siempre está a vuelta de rueda", dijo Juan Ortiz, un conductor.

                Periférico Sur, de San Jerónimo a Luis Cabrera, estuvo afectado principalmente por la reducción de carriles debido a las obras del segundo piso. La arteria tiene siete puntos rojos de asentamiento vial por construcciones en marcha.

                Aunque en Periférico Oriente Calle Siete, frente al Mercado de San Juan, policías afirmaron que son cotidianos los robos a transeúnte, vecinos y peatones refieren al menos siete tramos donde se dan asaltos.

                "Sí los denuncian seguido porque aquí se presta para ese tipo de delitos", dijo un oficial.

                Otro punto de robo es el bajopuente de Avenida Tláhuac.

                "Como el cruce de la avenida está bajo el puente en la noche se pone feo y seguido escuchamos que vecinos son asaltados", dijo Susana Martínez, habitante de la Unidad Habitacional Mirasoles.

                También se reportan atracos en las inmediaciones de Tacubaya con Viaducto Miguel Alemán.

                Además, en los carriles laterales operan limpiaparabrisas, a quienes se ve casi en cada cruce con semáforo, y en seis puntos exigen cooperación.

                Se observó a algunos moneando en plena vía pública, como en el cruce de Anillo Periférico Canal de San Juan y Eje 4 Sur Avenida Canal de Tezontle, en Iztapalapa.

                Zona caótica

                En Periférico constantemente se violan leyes y reglamentos.

                - Los automovilistas exceden los límites de velocidad.

                - Automovilistas y transportistas aparcan en lugares prohibidos.

                - Transportistas hacen maniobras de carga y descarga.

                - El transporte público hace base en lugares prohibidos.

                - Invasión de ambulantes.

                En todos lados

                A lo largo del Anillo Periférico ocurren cotidianamente violaciones a las normas. Como muestra:

                1 Presencia de vendedores ambulantes en carriles centrales y obras de construcción de la Autopista Urbana Norte. Obras de construcción de la Autopista Urbana Norte.

                2 Reporte de atracos en las inmediaciones de Tacubaya.

                3 Se reportan asaltos cerca de Tacubaya. Obras de construcción de la Autopista Urbana Norte. Baches en carriles de alta velocidad. Obras de la Autopista Urbana Norte. Hacen base indebida micros y camiones.

                4 Ambulantes en carriles laterales y limpiaparabrisas que limpian aunque el conductor se niegue.

                5 Ambulantes en cruces con semáforos en carriles laterales y limpiaparabrisas. Base de unidades de transporte público.

                6 Base de unidades de transporte público que forman un cuello de botella. Obras de construcción de la Autopista Urbana Sur.

                7 Base de unidades de transporte público. En Periférico y Ajusco, estudiantes del CCH Sur ingieren bebidas alcohólicas los fines de semana.

                8 Ambulantes en carriles laterales y limpiaparabrisas que limpian aunque el conductor se niegue.

                9 ANARQUÍA URBANA Base informal de unidades del transporte público que forman severos congestionamientos frente al Centro Comercial Perisur. Presencia de vendedores callejeros, principalmente de comida, en aceras frente a dicho complejo comercial. Obras de la Autopista Urbana Sur.

                10 Embotellamientos por operación de transporte público en puente sobre Insurgentes. Reporte de vecinos de atracos en inmediaciones de la Colonia Isidro Fabela. Obras de construcción de la Autopista Urbana Sur.

                11 Operación de limpiaparabrisas y ambulantes en laterales. Paradero de micros en Cuemanco. Operación de grúas de la SSPDF en un corralón.

                12 Operación de limpiaparabrisas y ambulantes. Cantinas cerca del CCH Oriente. Reducción de carriles por operación de Línea 2 del Metrobús. Camiones de carga y baches.

                13 Locatarios extienden sus comercios hasta las aceras, utilizan el carril de extrema derecha para hacer talachas. Cerca de la calle Reforma, vendedores de autos utilizan las banquetas para exhibir camionetas. Base de unidades de transporte público. En la calle Iztaccíhuatl pipas cruzan el Periférico por el camellón.

                14 Operación de ambulantes y limpiaparabrisas. Unidades de transporte a exceso de velocidad. Locatarios extienden sus comercios hasta las banquetas. Camionetas de carga hacen operación de descarga de mercancía. En Eje 6 Sur Luis Méndez opera un tianguis.

                15 Operación de Mercado San Juan, donde se venden carnes y operan camiones de carga. Se reportan constantes atracos a usuarios del mercado.

                Patineta de Marcela


                • Re: nomás la puntita.....

                  Todas las dependencias gubernamentales, @SCJN, #GDF, @m_ebrard, @delegacionMH en contra del medio ambiente y de los intereses de los ciudadanos
                  Publicado por el periódico Reforma:


                  Árboles asesinados. Hocicos, Hocicos por todas partes. Surgen Casas. El Hombre se extiende. El Hombre es el cáncer de la tierra

                  Emile Michel Cioran


                  • Re: nomás la puntita.....

                    Don Rafa: no pierdas la esperanza; seguramente tu ardua labor contra el progreso algún dia dará frutos y de nuevo veremos los cerros de Las Lomas cuajados de nopales y magueyes pulqueros, y las planicies sembradas de maiz, frijol y Xoconoztles..
                    Por la calle voy tirando la envoltura del dolor
                    Por la calle voy volando como vuela el ruiseñor ....


                    • Re: nomás la puntita.....

                      Así como @demetriosodi , @rpascoep, et al aprovecharon el puente Guadalupe Reyes para sorprender a los vecinos de Las Lomas de Chapultepec, y demoler así el edificio de SuperSevrvicio Lomas del arq. Vladimir Kaspe, favoreciendo los intere$e$ de un grupito de Judíos del grupo Dahnos (a la Ciudad), ahora le tocó a una casa catalogada en Polanco

                      Basta de politicos oportunistas

                      Patineta de Marcela


                      • Re: nomás la puntita.....

                        La ciudad en Movimiento en el DeFecado DeFectuoso es tan desesperante: tuve que cambiar de proveedor fotográfico para la impresión de trabajos, debido al tiempo ocupado para desplazarme de mi pequeño estudio en Prado Norte a Fuji, que se encuentra en Ejército Nacional, cerca del Circuito Interior.Más de 90 minutos me cuesta el trayecto de ida y vuelta. Y eso que cuento con el ahorro tecnológico de poder enviar los archivos fotográficos por correo electrónico. Desgraciadamente no he sabido calcular con google maps la distancia exacta del trayecto, pero no creo que sea de más de 15 kilómetros de ida y vuelta. . es una verdadera pena que no pueda enviar mis archivos fotográficos mediante señales de humo

                        El orgasmo es un paroxismo…

                        …la desesperación otro…
                        …el primero dura un segundo…

                        ….el otro toda una vida…

                        Émile Michel Cioran.

                        Patineta de Marcela


                        • Re: nomás la puntita.....

                          Entre tanto desempleado sin oficio ni beneficio, algo inimaginable en “zonas residenciales” del DF gracias al gobierno de @m_ebrard @PRDMexico


                          Eso si, pagas un impuesto predial, como si tuvieras algún derecho

                          La justicia Mexicana:


                          • Re: nomás la puntita.....

                            #opcorrupcion Los vecinos @delegacionMH nada pudimos Hacer vs @TV_Azteca13, ni vs @Televisa.

                            Ambas televisoras violan el Plan Parcial de Desarrollo de las Lomas de Chapultepec, al establecer la primera una "universidad" y la otra, sus oficinas para @eazcarraga, como pago otorgado por el cachuchas @demetriosodi por favores recibidos durante su campaña pro el hueso en @delegacionMH

                            ¿Tienes el valor o te vale el plan parcial de desarrollo en @delegacionMH?
                            Poderoso caballero es don $$$ y los medios masivos siempre se pasan la ley, x la altura de la bomba atómica
                            Rafael Norma
                            Forista Turquesa
                            Last edited by Rafael Norma; 29-abril-2012, 06:11.


                            • Re: nomás la puntita.....

                              Una bella experiencia en la ciudad en movimiento..

                              Ayer por al tarde me quede sin el papel de mi impresora Epson, de modo que me dirigí en auto a comprar el insumo faltante. Debido a la hora, el tráfico era desquiciante. Peor eso no fue todo. , sino que al circular por la lateral del periférico, a la altura de la Avenida Legaria, mi auto cayó en una zanja que era imposible ver. De modo que la llanta delantera derecha, se hizo pedazos. Debido a que no quise causar un embotellamiento, rodé mi carro a vuelta de rueda desde ese lugar hasta Prado Norte. Lo que ocupó más de una hora.

                              Pero eso no fue todo. Cuando llamé a mi seguro para que me hicieran el favor de cambiar la llanta y que evaluaran los daños a la suspensión, el ajustador de la compañía, al llegar a la casa, no podía y mi esposa intentó detener el tráfico, pero un automovilista en lugar de detenerse para que el ajustador se metiera de reversa en la cochera, le echó el auto encima, y si no hubiera ella saltado, la habría atropellado. A pesar de que había un policía de a píe en la calle, no hizo nada por detener al conductor.

                              Patineta de Marcela

                              Rafael Norma
                              Forista Turquesa
                              Last edited by Rafael Norma; 03-mayo-2012, 04:04.


                              • Re: nomás la puntita.....

                                Yo decido; tu te jodes

                                Vecinos en @delegacionMH:

                                les presento a su próximo padrote

                                @CiroGomez dice que @mancerava2012 le dará una paliza @BPR2012 y @IsabelMiranda , pero la paliza es a los ciudadanos del la Ciudad de México


                                Pag 166

                                Los políticos saben muy bien por experiencia que la humanidad no ha adorado más que a los que la hicieron perecer. Los reinos o ciudadanos que se extinguieron apaciblemente no figuran en la historia, ni tampoco el príncipe sensato, en todo tiempo despreciado por sus súbditos. ; la multitud gusta [i] de lo novelesco, [b] incluso a sus expensas pues el escándalo de las costumbres constituye la trama de la curiosidad humana y la corriente subterránea de todo suceso. , La mujer infiel y el cornudo proveen a la comedia t a la tragedia, sin excluir a la epopeya l de la casi totalidad de sus temas. Como la honestidad no tiene biografía ni encanto, desde La Ilíada hasta el sainete [i] sólo el brillo del deshonor ha divertido e intrigado es pues, muy natural que al humanidad se haya ofrecido como pasto a los conquistadores , que quiera hacerse pisotear, que una nación sin tiranos no haga hablar de ella, que la suma de iniquidades que un pueblo comete sea el único índice de su presencia y vitalidad. Una nación que ya no viola está en plena decadencia ; es por su número de violaciones por el que revela sus instintos, su porvenir. Investigad a partir de qué guerra ha dejado de practicar , en gran escala, ese tipo de crimen; encontrareis su primer símbolo de su declive; a partir de qué momento el amor se ha convertido para ella en un ceremonial y la cama en una condición del espasmo, e identificareis el fin de su historia bárbara.
                                @Un_Tal__Cioran: [Los politicos bien saben que] La humanidad no ha adorado más que a los que la hicieron perecer ANULA TU VOTO
                                Rafael Norma
                                Forista Turquesa
                                Last edited by Rafael Norma; 09-mayo-2012, 14:15.

