Ha muerto uno de los mas grandes músicos del género... genial guitarrista y magistral compositor...
Sin Hanneman y sin Slayer, no se entendería el mundo de este género como es ahora, al ser una de las bandas que mas a influenciado en el mundo del Metal

El guitarrista Jeff Hanneman, uno de los miembros fundadores de la banda Slayer, murió a los 49 años en un hospital en los Estados Unidos, debido a una insuficiencia hepática.
La noticia fue confirmada por el grupo, a través de su cuenta oficial en Facebook, en un comunicado que empieza diciendo: “Nos sentimos devastados, nuestro compañero y hermano falleció. Le echaremos de menos. ¡Qué descanse en paz!”.
La carta abierta precisa que Hanneman murió a las 11 de la mañana, cerca de su casa al sur de California. Le sobreviven su esposa Kathy y sus hermanos Kathy, Michael y Larry.
Slayer es una banda de thrash metal estadounidense fundada en 1981 por los guitarristas Jeff Hanneman y Kerry King. Para completar su formación, King y Hanneman reclutaron al bajista y vocalista de origen chileno Tom Araya y al baterista de origen cubano Dave Lombardo, quien ha estado dentro y fuera de la banda durante varios años.
El grupo alcanzó la fama gracias a la edición de "Reign in blood", calificado como el álbum más heavy de todos los tiempos, según la revista Kerrang!.
Hanneman falleció tras una larga lucha para rehabilitarse, luego de contraer necrosis por una picadura de araña en 2011.
A raíz de la patología el guitarrista ya no formaba parte del la formación de grupo en las últimas giras. Fue reemplazado por el guitarrista de Exodus, Gary Holt, quien se presentó junto al resto de Slayer en sus últimos conciertos.
La muerte de Jeff conmocionó a las redes sociales. En Facebook, miles de personas han dejado mensajes lamentando la partida del legado y recordando el legado que deja como integrante de fundador de Slayer.
El mundo del Heavy Metal reacciona ante la muerte de Jeff Hanneman vía Twitter:
ZAKK WYLDE: RIP brother. You will be missed.
DAVE MUSTAINE: Tonight one less star will be shining and sadly, the stage got just a little bit darker. Jeff Hanneman 1964-2013.
MACHINE HEAD: RIP Jeff Hanneman. One of the greatest songwriters in all of metal let alone music. Our hearts go out to his family and band mates.
NIKKI SIXX: Just heard the sad news about Jeff Hanneman of Slayer. My condolences to his family,the band and all his friends and fans..RIP
DEATH ANGEL: R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman. Love & respect to the Slayer family.
DAVID ELLEFSON: My condolences to Slayer and Jeff Hanneman’s family today.
RANCID: Our heart goes out Jeff Hanneman’s friends and family. You will be missed man.
SLASH: Tragic & shocking news about Jeff Hanneman. He is going to missed by so many. What a sad day for Metal. RIP man.
GIBSON GUITAR: RIP Jeff Hanneman. You will be greatly missed.
ALEX SKOLNICK: Sad news. RIP JH. He’ll be remembered at #GoldenGods
TESTAMENT: R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman, brother in thrash.
HATEBREED: Rest In Peace Jeff Hanneman! A True Heavy Metal LEGEND!
DINO CAZARES: I’m extremely shocked and sad to hear about Jeff Hanneman. He was a huge influence on my playing when I was growing up.
CHIMAIRA: RIP Jeff Hanneman. Icon
GUS G.: Gutted to read the news. RIP Jeff Hanneman the music world has lost yet another one of the greats
ROBERT CAGGIANO: Wow… I just heard some really sad news . R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman
MIKE PORTNOY: WOW….I’m in shock…RIP Jeff Hanneman….wow .
JOSE MANGIN: Crushed out here in Cali about untimely passing of Jeff Hanneman @Slayer, the #goldengods will be dedicated to Jeff & his legendary riffs!
IN FLAMES: We are so devasted to hear about the passing of Jeff Hanneman. One of the greatest have passed on and please,…
EDDIE TRUNK: Tragic news of @Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman passing away
DUFF McKAGAN: Jeff Hanneman of @Slayer RIP. Wow. I’m so very soory for your loss Hanneman family.
Y también por el Facebook:
Truly a sad time, as we mourn the loss of our brother in Metal, Jeff Hanneman. He left us far too soon, but his influence will still be felt for years to come. We'll always remember the good times we shared. Rest In Peace.
Late last night we were informed of the passing of the great Jeff Hanneman. Worst news we could receive since he was one of the most incredible riffmasters and musicians of our genre. A great influence and one of the reasons that Suicidal Angels exist. Our true and honest condolences to his family and the Slayer family. The kingdom of the dead welcomes its Monarch.
RIP Jeff Hanneman. A dude who contributed to writing and playing in a band that is responsible in changing the metal mind and world. All we can do now is keep pushing ourselves. Our passion is music, and music lives beyond human life so lets never forget where we came from and what we love. RIP Jeff Hanneman and long live Slayer!
RIP Jeff Hanneman, blast some Slayer tonight at maximum volume
Rest in Peace, Jeff Hanneman. SLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We send our condolences and deepest sympathies to the family, friends, and fans of Jeff Hanneman. Our hearts go out to his brothers in Slayer. Tonight one less star will be shining and sadly, the stage got just a little bit darker. Jeff Hanneman 1964-2013.
We have lost another great person from the metal community. RIP Jeff Hanneman.
D.R.I. Remembers. Jeff Hanneman (1964 - 2013)
Jeff Hanneman, Tom Araya and Chris Witchhunter in cozy "threesomeness". We hope Chris and Jeff can clink glasses together again now. Our thoughts are with Jeff and his family and friends. R.I.P Jeff!
RIP Jeff, you show us the best of the life!
R.I.P Jeff Hanneman. A true legend.
Death Angel
R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman. Love & respect to the Slayer family.
.Today we lost one of the creators of our genre. Such a sad loss to the entire metal community. Hopefully he's in the afterlife having a cold one with Dime! R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman.
Angelus Apatrida:
We are all shocked by Jeff Hanneman's death, a great inspiration for us and one titan of heavy metal history. Our condolences to his family, friends and Slayer.
Without "Show No Mercy" there would have been no Viking. Today we bid a sad farewell to one of our founding fathers of riffage. R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman.
Lich King
Truly saddened to hear about the death of Jeff Hanneman. One of the best riff writers thrash had to offer. RIP sir.
Completely distraught with the tragic news of one of our main musical inspirations. RIP Jeff Hanneman of SLAYER.
The world of heavy metal lost a legend today. R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman - your music will live forever and continue to bring joy to countless people.
Crank the ~~~~in' Slayer even louder than normal today!!
R.I.P Jeff Hanneman... We are so sad to hear you have gone. The metal world will not be the same.
Jeff Hanneman, thank you so much. You are one of our idols. I am in disbelief that you're gone. Thank you for everything. Thank you for this incredible music that has influenced us. May you fly free, our own Angel of Death.
R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman, brother in thrash.
Sin Hanneman y sin Slayer, no se entendería el mundo de este género como es ahora, al ser una de las bandas que mas a influenciado en el mundo del Metal

El guitarrista Jeff Hanneman, uno de los miembros fundadores de la banda Slayer, murió a los 49 años en un hospital en los Estados Unidos, debido a una insuficiencia hepática.
La noticia fue confirmada por el grupo, a través de su cuenta oficial en Facebook, en un comunicado que empieza diciendo: “Nos sentimos devastados, nuestro compañero y hermano falleció. Le echaremos de menos. ¡Qué descanse en paz!”.
La carta abierta precisa que Hanneman murió a las 11 de la mañana, cerca de su casa al sur de California. Le sobreviven su esposa Kathy y sus hermanos Kathy, Michael y Larry.
Slayer es una banda de thrash metal estadounidense fundada en 1981 por los guitarristas Jeff Hanneman y Kerry King. Para completar su formación, King y Hanneman reclutaron al bajista y vocalista de origen chileno Tom Araya y al baterista de origen cubano Dave Lombardo, quien ha estado dentro y fuera de la banda durante varios años.
El grupo alcanzó la fama gracias a la edición de "Reign in blood", calificado como el álbum más heavy de todos los tiempos, según la revista Kerrang!.
Hanneman falleció tras una larga lucha para rehabilitarse, luego de contraer necrosis por una picadura de araña en 2011.
A raíz de la patología el guitarrista ya no formaba parte del la formación de grupo en las últimas giras. Fue reemplazado por el guitarrista de Exodus, Gary Holt, quien se presentó junto al resto de Slayer en sus últimos conciertos.
La muerte de Jeff conmocionó a las redes sociales. En Facebook, miles de personas han dejado mensajes lamentando la partida del legado y recordando el legado que deja como integrante de fundador de Slayer.
El mundo del Heavy Metal reacciona ante la muerte de Jeff Hanneman vía Twitter:
ZAKK WYLDE: RIP brother. You will be missed.
DAVE MUSTAINE: Tonight one less star will be shining and sadly, the stage got just a little bit darker. Jeff Hanneman 1964-2013.
MACHINE HEAD: RIP Jeff Hanneman. One of the greatest songwriters in all of metal let alone music. Our hearts go out to his family and band mates.
NIKKI SIXX: Just heard the sad news about Jeff Hanneman of Slayer. My condolences to his family,the band and all his friends and fans..RIP
DEATH ANGEL: R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman. Love & respect to the Slayer family.
DAVID ELLEFSON: My condolences to Slayer and Jeff Hanneman’s family today.
RANCID: Our heart goes out Jeff Hanneman’s friends and family. You will be missed man.
SLASH: Tragic & shocking news about Jeff Hanneman. He is going to missed by so many. What a sad day for Metal. RIP man.
GIBSON GUITAR: RIP Jeff Hanneman. You will be greatly missed.
ALEX SKOLNICK: Sad news. RIP JH. He’ll be remembered at #GoldenGods
TESTAMENT: R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman, brother in thrash.
HATEBREED: Rest In Peace Jeff Hanneman! A True Heavy Metal LEGEND!
DINO CAZARES: I’m extremely shocked and sad to hear about Jeff Hanneman. He was a huge influence on my playing when I was growing up.
CHIMAIRA: RIP Jeff Hanneman. Icon
GUS G.: Gutted to read the news. RIP Jeff Hanneman the music world has lost yet another one of the greats
ROBERT CAGGIANO: Wow… I just heard some really sad news . R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman
MIKE PORTNOY: WOW….I’m in shock…RIP Jeff Hanneman….wow .
JOSE MANGIN: Crushed out here in Cali about untimely passing of Jeff Hanneman @Slayer, the #goldengods will be dedicated to Jeff & his legendary riffs!
IN FLAMES: We are so devasted to hear about the passing of Jeff Hanneman. One of the greatest have passed on and please,…
EDDIE TRUNK: Tragic news of @Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman passing away
DUFF McKAGAN: Jeff Hanneman of @Slayer RIP. Wow. I’m so very soory for your loss Hanneman family.
Y también por el Facebook:
Truly a sad time, as we mourn the loss of our brother in Metal, Jeff Hanneman. He left us far too soon, but his influence will still be felt for years to come. We'll always remember the good times we shared. Rest In Peace.
Late last night we were informed of the passing of the great Jeff Hanneman. Worst news we could receive since he was one of the most incredible riffmasters and musicians of our genre. A great influence and one of the reasons that Suicidal Angels exist. Our true and honest condolences to his family and the Slayer family. The kingdom of the dead welcomes its Monarch.
RIP Jeff Hanneman. A dude who contributed to writing and playing in a band that is responsible in changing the metal mind and world. All we can do now is keep pushing ourselves. Our passion is music, and music lives beyond human life so lets never forget where we came from and what we love. RIP Jeff Hanneman and long live Slayer!
RIP Jeff Hanneman, blast some Slayer tonight at maximum volume
Rest in Peace, Jeff Hanneman. SLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We send our condolences and deepest sympathies to the family, friends, and fans of Jeff Hanneman. Our hearts go out to his brothers in Slayer. Tonight one less star will be shining and sadly, the stage got just a little bit darker. Jeff Hanneman 1964-2013.
We have lost another great person from the metal community. RIP Jeff Hanneman.
D.R.I. Remembers. Jeff Hanneman (1964 - 2013)
Jeff Hanneman, Tom Araya and Chris Witchhunter in cozy "threesomeness". We hope Chris and Jeff can clink glasses together again now. Our thoughts are with Jeff and his family and friends. R.I.P Jeff!
RIP Jeff, you show us the best of the life!
R.I.P Jeff Hanneman. A true legend.
Death Angel
R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman. Love & respect to the Slayer family.
.Today we lost one of the creators of our genre. Such a sad loss to the entire metal community. Hopefully he's in the afterlife having a cold one with Dime! R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman.
Angelus Apatrida:
We are all shocked by Jeff Hanneman's death, a great inspiration for us and one titan of heavy metal history. Our condolences to his family, friends and Slayer.
Without "Show No Mercy" there would have been no Viking. Today we bid a sad farewell to one of our founding fathers of riffage. R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman.
Lich King
Truly saddened to hear about the death of Jeff Hanneman. One of the best riff writers thrash had to offer. RIP sir.
Completely distraught with the tragic news of one of our main musical inspirations. RIP Jeff Hanneman of SLAYER.
The world of heavy metal lost a legend today. R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman - your music will live forever and continue to bring joy to countless people.
Crank the ~~~~in' Slayer even louder than normal today!!
R.I.P Jeff Hanneman... We are so sad to hear you have gone. The metal world will not be the same.
Jeff Hanneman, thank you so much. You are one of our idols. I am in disbelief that you're gone. Thank you for everything. Thank you for this incredible music that has influenced us. May you fly free, our own Angel of Death.
R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman, brother in thrash.