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Se ORIGINO en Mexico?

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  • #16
    Re: Se ORIGINO en Mexico?

    ENCUENTRAN EL CASO "0" del brote epidemico

    No es fiebre mexicana

    inicio como lo sospechabamos en USA.
    ( los cientificos no son politicos y hablan CON la verdad y tienen pruebas . )

    El 13 de abril 09, pasado, el centro de atlanta USA, fue notificado “de una enfermedad respiratoria de un niño de 10 años de edad, que vive en el condado de San Diego, California”, esto se supo el 21 de abril 09

    como fue ?

    dos casos de niños que presentaban síntomas atípicos de enfermedad respiratoria.
    uno de ellos con fiebre, tos y vómito. Sus síntomas habían aparecido el 30 de marzo.

    se le tomó una muestra con un cotonete nasofaríngeo recibió tratamiento y se recuperó sin problema en una semana. El niño no había recibido la vacuna contra la influenza durante el periodo de influenza estacional.”

    le diagnosticaron influenza por virus tipo A, Y la prueba resultó negativa para los subtipos de influenza humana H1N1, H3N2 y H5N1.

    como protocolo ( investigaciones epidemiologicas segun reglamento mundial ) la muestra se envio a laboratorios referenciados, y se comprobó era: influenza A de subtipo indeterminado. El 14 de abril de 2009, atlanta recibió las muestras clínicas y determinó que el virus era influenza porcina A H1N1”.
    que despues le llamaron influenza humana h1n1


    ES HORA DE : los investigadoes ,los cientificos y los medicos

    saludos bandolero

    pd.- este virus al mutar y transmitirse en mexico aumento su virulencia y empezo a MATAR, siguio su transmision y disminuyo su virulencia, aunado al freno de la transmision por las medidas tomadas en MEXICO. ( mi teoria)
    aunado a que se acudio tarde al medico y de que en mexico no teniamos ( ya tenemos los laboratorios necesarios) como diagnosticarlo o determinarlo rapido.

    actuo oportuno y asesorado por la OPS y la OMS
    agosto 2011: Aprueban ciudadanos a Calderón mejoría en economía, avances combate al narco.


    • #17
      Re: Se ORIGINO en Mexico?

      Gracias Mario por la informacion. Ese es precisamente el punto clave de este tema, por ahora ya han embarrado a los Mexicanos culpandolos de todos los males:
      Aqui mas informacion:
      May 3, 2009 (San Diego)—Health authorities have traced origins of the H1N1 swine flu outbreak to a 10-year old son of a military family in San Diego, UPI reports today. The Centers for Disease Control conducted tests on samples from the boy, revealing the never-before-seen strain of flu virus on April 15, though his brother had symptoms two weeks earlier. Today, the County Health & Human Services Agency confirms four new cases of the flu, bringing the total of cases locally to 15, with several more suspected. The four new cases are a 3-year-old female, a 17-year-old male, a 35-year-old female and a 33-year-old male. The latter two are cases previously confirmed by the military.
      A chillidos de puerco.....oídos de carnicero


      • #18
        Re: Se ORIGINO en Mexico?

        Originalmente publicado por drmario50 Ver post
        pd.- este virus al mutar y transmitirse en mexico aumento su virulencia y empezo a MATAR, siguio su transmision y disminuyo su virulencia, aunado al freno de la transmision por las medidas tomadas en MEXICO. ( mi teoria)
        aunado a que se acudio tarde al medico y de que en mexico no teniamos ( ya tenemos los laboratorios necesarios) como diagnosticarlo o determinarlo rapido.
        Eres muy terco, doc, demasiado y como abogado de las causas más chovinistas, pues aún bastante perro, déjame decirlo.

        Es sorpendente que NO SE ACEPTE que lo importante NO ES donde se originó, sino dónde se detectó el brote con mayor incidencia al grado de llamarlo epidemia.

        Una parte de la entrevista a la Dra. Celia Alpuche Aranda, directora del Instituto de Diagnóstico y Referencia Epidemiológicos (Indre) que le hizo hace unos días (fue publicada el 1 de Mayo) en la Revista "Science".

        Science: There have been many questions about the origin and the timing. When was there an indication that there were an unusual number of respiratory cases?

        Alpuche: On April 7, we heard that the National Institute of Respiratory Disease was having unusually severe cases of pneumonia in young adults who were previously healthy. Immediately, we started to get the data around this cluster. We also started to do a retrospective analysis of the influenza data we had.

        We looked at all data that we had regarding influenza detection since January up to this month and also to compare to the past season of influenza. In addition to the unusual pneumonia, we started to have rumors there were other cases that were not pneumonia, it was like a respiratory disease, an influenza-like illness.
        O sea, hellooooooo!, dear doc, please, "resigneishon, resigneishon"

        ♫ Yo he rodado de acá para allá, fui de todo y sin medida, pero te juro por Dios que nunca llorarás por lo que fue mi viiiiiiiiidaaaaaa ♫


        • #19
          Re: Se ORIGINO en Mexico?

          estemos orgullosos senores...
          Por que lo que se hace en Mexico esta bien hecho...y se exporta !!!


          • #20
            Re: Se ORIGINO en Mexico?

            Lo que calienta un poco es porqué tienen que venir del gabacho a pedir explicaciones serias, datos puntuales, fechas precisas, mientras aquí hay que conformarse con pichurrientas conferencias de prensa y un monigote que sale de vez en noche en cadena nacional saludando: "Amigas y amigos".

            Desde fines de marzo las cosas no andaban bien, algo hacía ruido en el ambiente sanitario; se sabía desde entonces, ahi está lo publicado sobre los casos "sospechosos" si bien no letales en La Gloria (Perote), Veracruz desde el 1 de abril.


            Science: Did you see anything from your analysis of influenza trends that told you anything?

            Alpuche: The first thing that it told us is that we were still detecting influenza in the country, not just in Mexico City. It was pretty much the same as we see every year except it was a prolongation of the flu season. Then we analyzed the subtypes of the strains of influenza, and one of the unusual things we saw was that in this season, we had the first peak in the last part of November and December and another one in February. Over the season, we started having more influenza B than we had the year before.

            Science: Which had nothing to do with this outbreak.

            Alpuche: Nothing to do with this. It was very confusing. We found that 37% of cases were B and the year before we only found up to 15% were B. Then we looked at data that they have in the influenza surveillance system at CDC to see if were having something unusual. We saw also in United States something kind of similar--a prolonged period of influenza and increases of strain B. So we thought that we were having something related to influenza, and we were still concerned about the pneumonia cases. We went back immediately to look at all the influenza outbreaks we had in the country since the season started to see if this was more related to the prolonged influenza or there was something else we were seeing. We had small outbreaks in some states in the central part of Mexico, Tlaxcala, and then the last outbreak we had was in Veracruz state, in the town of La Gloria, near Perote. That was in the last 2 weeks of March.

            Science: Why didn't that trigger concern in the last 2 weeks of March?

            Alpuche: It was influenza-like illness, no fatalities and no pneumonia cases. This outbreak was deeply studied with state epidemiologists. The secretary of health of Veracruz did a wonderful job during the outbreak in the last 2 weeks of March.

            Science: What capability did they have for typing subtypes?

            Alpuche: The influenza, laboratory-based surveillance network in Mexico is using immunofluorescence--that's the screening test, and it's using antibodies against A and B. So that's what the public health state lab is doing.

            Science: So they don't have subtype tests and had to refer the samples to you?

            Alpuche: Yes. Not immediately, because if there's nothing unusual, they wait to get accumulated cases and then send to the national referral center. One of the interesting things in this outbreak is they were testing, but the onset of symptoms was after 4 or 5 days. The sensitivity of the immunofluorescence test is low after 72 hours. Most of the tests, which were nasopharyngeal swabs, were negative.

            Science: You later did more sampling from La Gloria, right?

            Alpuche: In the last part of the outbreak in La Gloria, children started having symptoms April 1. They took the samples April 3. They sent the samples to the public health state lab, and they were processed April 4. These arrived at my lab on April 8.

            Science: What were the positive ones?

            Alpuche: They only identified three influenza strains at the end of the period. One turned out be H3N2. The other was A, but it was not heartening. Here at our lab, we were considering that it could be H1, but it looked indeterminate. To be honest, we were not able to type it. And then we had a B.

            Que bueno que ya se habló (aunque sea en inglés) con datos más precisos y no nada más diciendo "hay medicina suficiente", "que no cunda el cúnico", "usted póngase el tapabocas y lávese 20 veces las manos" y esas pendejadas de los útlimos días.
            ♫ Yo he rodado de acá para allá, fui de todo y sin medida, pero te juro por Dios que nunca llorarás por lo que fue mi viiiiiiiiidaaaaaa ♫

