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La Teoria Gayland.

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  • #16
    Re: La Teoria Gayland.

    Originalmente publicado por Beaner Ver post
    Y si metes a una mujer en la isla...tampoco serviría de mucho...ya que los hijos tendrían que acostarse con sus hermanas o los padres con las merdé genética sería tan gacha...que casi mejor que desaparezcan
    Achinga, ¿que no existen las lesbianas?
    Originalmente publicado por dogman Ver post
    Estoy de acuerdo, sería bueno que todos los homosexuales estuvieran en una isla y sí son contranatura.
    'Ta gueno, lo que tu digas. Juar.
    Forza Milán!


    • #17
      Re: La Teoria Gayland.

      En un programa vide sobre algo parecido, un montón de gays americanos que se juntaron todos en una isla de mutuo propio para dar rienda a sus instintos carnales....... Claro, fue temporal y luego regresaron a sus lugares de origen, San Francisco, en especial. Fines de los 70 fue creo.

      ¿Resultado? El VIH comenzó a proliferar en esa ciudad gabacha.

      ¿Sodoma moderno o mera casualité de la naturaleza?
      ♫ Yo he rodado de acá para allá, fui de todo y sin medida, pero te juro por Dios que nunca llorarás por lo que fue mi viiiiiiiiidaaaaaa ♫


      • #18
        Re: La Teoria Gayland.

        Originalmente publicado por Arturo Ver post
        No Manuel, es que mientras, aca afuera, habra mas candidatos a ingresar.

        ¡Estas en lo cierto..!

        La jotería y lesbitaria es aqui....allá solo se integrarian a su habitat natural



        • #19
          Re: La Teoria Gayland.



          • #20
            Re: La Teoria Gayland.

            Hay otro punto muy serio.

            Estos entes ...jotos y tortilleras no estan impedidos fisicamente para

            procrear...ya se las ingeniaran para escoger un "semental designado"



            • #21
              Re: La Teoria Gayland.

              Originalmente publicado por aereo Ver post
              Achinga, ¿que no existen las lesbianas?.
              Buen algo que siempre he intentado hacer ver a lo energúmenos...a las lesbianas no las toman en cuenta en sus argumentos...a lo que más miedo le tienen es a los hombres homosexuales...las lesbianas hasta les gustan(si están buenas claro).

              De cualquier manera, te lo digo yo...cuando estos dicen homosexuales, solo se refieren a los hombres. Siguiendo su razonamiento pasé a burlarme un poco de ellos con otro punto de debate sobre el orígen de "todos" de una sola pareja y lo que conllevaría que esto fuera así.

              "El hombre solo será libre cuando el último rey sea ahorcado con las tripas del último cura"Diderot


              • #22
                Re: La Teoria Gayland.

                Bueno creo que al decir que sean los homosexuales en la isla se refiere a hombres y mujeres, ya que las lesbianas son homosexuales también y sería lo mismo que fueran homo o hetero ya que si son puros hombres valdría para lo mismo, no se podrían reproducir.

                La única manera de saber si son contranatura sería averiguar si nacen o se hacen pero eso es muy difícil.

                PRI-mero nos madrearon y nos seguirán madreando, porque no tenemos memoria...
                (Esto va por todos los partidos)


                • #23
                  Re: La Teoria Gayland.

                  Originalmente publicado por aereo Ver post
                  ¿Y la gente que nace estéril es contra-natura? ¿La gente que nace con discapacidades físicas o mentales también lo es?

                  La verdad es: los homosexuales no son contra-natura. Hay homosexuales en diversas especies de animales. Así que el debate no es si es algo contra-natura o no, el único debate es: ¿Que causa que ciertos individuos sean homosexuales? ¿Es un factor de nacimiento o ambiental? ¿O una mezcla de las dos? Y nada mas.
                  a chinga y cuales son esos animales, no es la primera vez que lo oigo, y aclaro que no sean hermafroditas por que ahi si es otra cuestion

                  y si son anti-natura, la cuestion es muy simple se es o no se es no hay medios puntos
                  "la violencia terminara cuando haya policias honestos, habria que empezar por la honestidad propia" Si a ti te hablo FCH


                  • #24
                    Re: La Teoria Gayland.

                    Originalmente publicado por CP ROSLO Ver post
                    a chinga y cuales son esos animales, no es la primera vez que lo oigo,
                    No lo dije como especies, sino que entre los animales, también existen las practicas homosexuales:

                    Originalmente publicado por Article
                    Homosexuality is also quite common among dolphins and killer whales. The pairing of males and females is fleeting, while between males, a pair can stay together for years. Homosexual sex between different species is not unusual either. Meetings between different dolphin species can be quite violent, but the tension is often broken by a "sex orgy".

                    Homosexuality is a social phenomenon and is most widespread among animals with a complex herd life.

                    Among the apes it is the females that create the continuity within the group. The social network is maintained not only by sharing food and the child rearing, but also by having sex. Among many of the female apes the sex organs swell up. So they rub their abdomens against each other," explains Petter Bockman and points out that animals have sex because they have the desire to, just like we humans.

                    Homosexual behaviour has been observed in 1,500 animal species.
                    Originalmente publicado por CP ROSLO Ver post
                    y aclaro que no sean hermafroditas por que ahi si es otra cuestion
                    ROFL! Te traiciona el subconsciente.

                    Originalmente publicado por CP ROSLO Ver post
                    y si son anti-natura,
                    A ver, ¿porque? Define "anti-natura" ya que estas en eso.

                    Originalmente publicado por CP ROSLO Ver post
                    la cuestion es muy simple se es o no se es no hay medios puntos
                    ¿En serio? Wow. Que gran descubrimiento. Ya me convenciste. Jajajajajaja.
                    Forza Milán!


                    • #25
                      Re: La Teoria Gayland.

                      Aprendan de la "naturaleza" chingao!

                      La evidencia reunida por Vasey sugiere que el comportamiento homosexual de los primates refleja más una faceta normal de su repertorio sexual que una respuesta anormal frente a las condiciones de cautividad. De hecho, sabemos que al menos 20 especies de primates exhiben comportamientos homosexuales en estado salvaje. Es más, en siete de ellas no se han podido encontrar comportamientos homosexuales en las observaciones realizadas en condiciones de cautividad. Ello nos induce a pensar que, en contra de lo comúnmente aceptado, la cautividad puede llevar a los primates a comportarse "anormalmente" al no exhibir los comportamientos homosexuales que realizan habitualmente cuando se encuentran en libertad. A excepción del chimpancé (Pan troglodytes), ninguna de las trece especies que mostraron comportamientos homosexuales únicamente en cautividad ha sido estudiada suficientemente en condiciones de libertad. Por ello, el número de especies que exhiben este tipo de comportamientos en estado salvaje puede ser todavía mayor.
                      Los bonobos y su comportamiento jotolón -según los prejuiciosos, claro.

                      ¿Contra natura? Ajá, cómo no.
                      ♫ Yo he rodado de acá para allá, fui de todo y sin medida, pero te juro por Dios que nunca llorarás por lo que fue mi viiiiiiiiidaaaaaa ♫


                      • #26
                        Re: La Teoria Gayland.

                        Hasta la fecha, no se han descrito comportamientos homosexuales en ninguna especie de prosimios, como el lémur. En conjunto, el repertorio de comportamientos exhibidos por los primates en sus interacciones homosexuales es muy variado y flexible. Entre ellos se incluyen montas ventrodorsales y ventroventrales, manipulaciones mutuas de los genitales, contactos buco genitales y ano genitales con intromisión del pene, etc. La frecuencia con la que se realizan los comportamientos homosexuales varía mucho de unas especies de antropoides a otras.
                        Juar, juar, juar.......... No sé porqué, pero de pronto recordé a varios de mis compañeros de la secundaria...........

                        ♫ Yo he rodado de acá para allá, fui de todo y sin medida, pero te juro por Dios que nunca llorarás por lo que fue mi viiiiiiiiidaaaaaa ♫


                        • #27
                          Re: La Teoria Gayland.

                          He cites sexual gratification, which encourages procreation, as an example. "An organism is designed to maximize its motivational systems," he adds.

                          In other words, if the urge to have sex is strong enough it may spill over into nonreproductive sex, as suggested by the actions of the bonobos and macaques. However, as Dunbar admits, there's a long way to go before the causes of homosexuality in humans are fully understood.

                          He said, "Nobody's really investigated this issue thoroughly, because it's so politically sensitive. It's fair to say all possibilities are still open."

                          olvidaste u omtiste que no hay muchos estudios practicamente es el mismo, y mucho se debe a la fueza para proseguir con la existencia,

                          por mi los homo y lebi se pueden dar entre ellos todo lo que quieran, mientras no pretendan que la cultura general los acepte
                          "la violencia terminara cuando haya policias honestos, habria que empezar por la honestidad propia" Si a ti te hablo FCH


                          • #28
                            Re: La Teoria Gayland.

                            Originalmente publicado por CP ROSLO Ver post
                            por mi los homo y lebi se pueden dar entre ellos todo lo que quieran, mientras no pretendan que la cultura general los acepte
                            Perfecto, si nos los quieres aceptar pues muy tu elección y se respeta.

                            Sin embargo, yo creo que de todas maneras merecen el mismo respeto y derechos que todas las demás personas, ¿no crees? Una cosa es que alguien no quiera ser su amigo o juntarse con ellos, pero otra cosa es que se les niegue servicios básicos por su sexualidad.
                            Forza Milán!


                            • #29
                              Re: La Teoria Gayland.

                              y ya que andamos en publicaciones, lo dicho si fuera normal no pasaria nada entonces por que pasa????
                              "Gay" Sex Kills
                              "In light of the irrefutable medical facts, it should be considered criminally reckless for educators to teach children that homosexual conduct is a normal, safe and perfectly acceptable alternative form of sexual expression (or 'sexual orientation'). "

                              TODAY'S HEADLINES | SEND NEWS TIPS | DONATE
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                              Commentary by J. Matt Barber

                              April 21, 2008 ( - Can you imagine officials at a middle school, junior high or high school setting aside a day to promote "tolerance" for heavy smoking and drinking among children? How about a day where teachers encourage kids to "embrace who they are," pick up that crack pipe and give it a stiff toke?

                              Neither can I. The public would go ballistic, and for good reason.

                              But that hasn't stopped officials in thousands of schools across the country from promoting other politically correct and socially "in-vogue" behaviors that - both statistically and manifestly - are every bit as dangerous as the aforementioned frowned-upon behaviors.

                              That's exactly what the homosexual activist "Day of Silence" is all about - advancing, through clever, feel-good propaganda, full acceptance among children of the homosexual lifestyle.

                              Just the Facts Ma'am

                              By recently admitting that "HIV is a gay disease," Matt Foreman, outgoing Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, acknowledged what the medical community has known for decades: the homosexual lifestyle is extremely high-risk and often leads to disease and even death.

                              In fact, multiple studies have established that homosexual conduct, especially among males, is considerably more hazardous to one's health than a lifetime of chain smoking.

                              To the consternation of "gay" activist flat-earthers and homosexual AIDS holocaust deniers everywhere, one such study - conducted by pro-"gay" researchers in Canada - was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology (IJE) in 1997. (see the study here: )

                              While the medical consensus is that smoking knocks from two to 10 years off an individual's life expectancy, the IJE study found that homosexual conduct shortens the lifespan of "gays" by an astounding "8 to 20 years" - more than twice that of smoking.

                              "[U]nder even the most liberal assumptions," concluded the study, "gay and bisexual men in this urban centre are now experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by all men in Canada in the year 1871. … [L]ife expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men."

                              This morose reality makes a strong case for a fitting redefinition of so-called "homophobia," that being "Homophobia: The rational fear that 'gay sex' will kill you!"

                              The fact that we don't have mandatory surgeon general warnings on the side of condom wrappers is a testament to the power and influence wielded by the radical homosexual lobby. (Warning: Male-male anal sodomy has been proven to shorten your lifespan by up to 20 years.)

                              Not surprisingly, that same homosexual lobby and its codependent enablers in the mainstream media moved quickly to sweep the IJE study under the rug. Under tremendous pressure, the researchers who conducted the study even jumped into the political damage control fray issuing a statement which read, "[W]e do not condone the use of our research in a manner that restricts the political or human rights of gay and bisexual men or any other group."

                              Yeah, so?

                              Of course, that's all just worthless fluff. All the political spin in the world doesn't change reality, nor does it eliminate the study's disturbing conclusions or practical implications. The research left ZERO wiggle room for anyone who would argue that homosexuality is a "perfectly normal and healthy alternative sexual orientation."

                              The risks associated with homosexual conduct are so drastic, in fact, that U.S. health regulations prohibit men who have sex with men (MSM) and women who have had sex with MSM, from even donating blood.

                              Consider that, according to the Food and Drug Administration, MSM, "have an HIV prevalence 60 times higher than the general population, 800 times higher than first time blood donors and 8,000 times higher than repeat blood donors."

                              Adults and children who engage in homosexual conduct, especially males, are also susceptible, at an astronomical rate, to nearly all other forms of sexually transmitted disease (STD). For example, the Hepatitis B virus is about five to six times more prevalent among "gays," and Hepatitis C is twice as common.

                              But perhaps most shocking are today's syphilis rates among homosexual men and adolescents. A recent study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that although homosexuals comprise only a fraction of the population (one to two percent), they account for an epidemic 64 percent of all syphilis cases.

                              The "Day of Silence"

                              In light of the irrefutable medical facts, it should be considered criminally reckless for educators to teach children that homosexual conduct is a normal, safe and perfectly acceptable alternative form of sexual expression (or "sexual orientation").

                              But instead, the "gay" lifestyle is vigorously promoted in our public schools. Sexually confused children who suffer from gender identity disorder and same-sex attractions are told to "embrace who they are," and are encouraged to entertain deviant and dangerous sexual temptations. "But always use a condom!" liberal educators bellow. (Forget that condoms have a perilously high failure rate and are incapable of preventing numerous STDs such as the HPV virus.)

                              On April 25, 2008, the pro-homosexual indoctrination of your children comes to a boil. Homosexual activists and like-minded liberal educators will be pushing the so-called "Day of Silence" on kids in thousands of schools across the country.

                              The "Day of Silence" (DOS) is organized by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), one of the most militant and well-funded of the powerful homosexual pressure groups. DOS purports to confront the alleged systematic harassment and bullying of children who self-identify as homosexual, bisexual or "transgender." (For a sampling of the kinds of things GLSEN teaches children, click here:; Be warned, though. It's pretty graphic.)

                              To be sure, bullying and harassment should not be tolerated against anyone, anywhere for any reason, and those who engage in such activities should be firmly disciplined. However, DOS has very little to do with "bullying" and has everything to do with propaganda.

                              During DOS, children and teachers are encouraged to disrupt the school day by refusing to speak, in a show of support to self-described "gay," "lesbian," "bisexual" and "transgender" students. Kids are additionally taught that Biblical truth, which holds that human sexuality is a gift from God shared between husband and wife within the bonds of marriage, is "homophobic," "hateful" and "discriminatory."

                              Our schools are supposed to be places of learning, not places of political indoctrination. It's the height of impropriety and cynicism for "gay" activists and school officials to use good-hearted but misguided children as pawns in their attempt to further a deceptive, highly controversial and polarizing political agenda.

                              DOS is pure, unadulterated propaganda and, based on the medical science, amounts to nothing short of educational malpractice. With liberal school officials in tow, these militant homosexual activists are brazenly circumventing and abusing parental authority to further this dangerous political agenda. DOS is also a slap in the face to the many students with traditional moral values.

                              So, it's time for the "Day of Silence" to finally live up to its name. It's time for these radical adult activists to be silent in our children's schools.

                              And you can to do something to help.

                              At DOS-participating schools all over the country, parents are joining with dozens of pro-family organizations, such as Concerned Women for America (CWA), in a "Day of Silence Walkout." They're keeping their kids home from school on DOS as a show of protest. (For more information visit

                              Parents and children are also strongly encouraged to participate in the Alliance Defense Fund's non-disruptive "Day of Truth," which will follow DOS on Monday, April 28, 2008. (For more information visit

                              Children are impressionable. Their young minds are fresh clay ready for molding, and these adult homosexual activists know it. Your child's spiritual, emotional and physical well-being belongs in your hands, not in the hands of liberal activists and elitist educators with a deceptive and destructive political agenda.

                              It's time to shatter the silence with truth.
                              "la violencia terminara cuando haya policias honestos, habria que empezar por la honestidad propia" Si a ti te hablo FCH


                              • #30
                                Re: La Teoria Gayland.

                                Originalmente publicado por Laurence Ver post

                                Hay otro punto muy serio.

                                Estos entes ...jotos y tortilleras no estan impedidos fisicamente para

                                procrear...ya se las ingeniaran para escoger un "semental designado"

                                Jajajaja, pos es cuestión de ver si la supervivencia supera al asco
                                Originalmente publicado por CP ROSLO Ver post
                                por mi los homo y lebi se pueden dar entre ellos todo lo que quieran, mientras no pretendan que la cultura general los acepte
                                El detalle es que, creen que para ser políticamente correctos, se tiene que aceptar ser super-brothers de ellos....
                                I love my attitude problem.

