Re: Palabras encadenadas en ingles.
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What do you want find about the chemical elements?
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* Atom and ion sizes
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Explore key information about the chemical elements through this periodic table Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 1
H 2
2 3
Li 4
Be 5
B 6
C 7
N 8
O 9
F 10
3 11
Na 12
Mg 13
Al 14
Si 15
P 16
S 17
Cl 18
4 19
K 20
Ca 21
Sc 22
Ti 23
V 24
Cr 25
Mn 26
Fe 27
Co 28
Ni 29
Cu 30
Zn 31
Ga 32
Ge 33
As 34
Se 35
Br 36
5 37
Rb 38
Sr 39
Y 40
Zr 41
Nb 42
Mo 43
Tc 44
Ru 45
Rh 46
Pd 47
Ag 48
Cd 49
In 50
Sn 51
Sb 52
Te 53
I 54
6 55
Cs 56
Ba * 71
Lu 72
Hf 73
Ta 74
W 75
Re 76
Os 77
Ir 78
Pt 79
Au 80
Hg 81
Tl 82
Pb 83
Bi 84
Po 85
At 86
7 87
Fr 88
Ra ** 103
Lr 104
Rf 105
Db 106
Sg 107
Bh 108
Hs 109
Mt 110
Ds 111
Rg 112
Cp 113
Uut 114
Uuq 115
Uup 116
Uuh 117
Uus 118
*Lanthanoids * 57
La 58
Ce 59
Pr 60
Nd 61
Pm 62
Sm 63
Eu 64
Gd 65
Tb 66
Dy 67
Ho 68
Er 69
Tm 70
**Actinoids ** 89
Ac 90
Th 91
Pa 92
U 93
Np 94
Pu 95
Am 96
Cm 97
Bk 98
Cf 99
Es 100
Fm 101
Md 102
Element 112 shall be named copernicium
Proposed name honours astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus
In honour of scientist and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), the discovering team around Professor Sigurd Hofmann suggested the name copernicium with the element symbol Cp for the new element 112, discovered at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (Center for Heavy Ion Research) in Darmstadt. It was Copernicus who discovered that the Earth orbits the Sun, thus paving the way for our modern view of the world. Thirteen years ago, element 112 was discovered by an international team of scientists at the GSI accelerator facility. A few weeks ago, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPAC, officially confirmed their discovery. In around six months, IUPAC will officially endorse the new element's name. This period is set to allow the scientific community to discuss the suggested name copernicium before the IUPAC naming.
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* Elements
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* Chemistry Books (USA)
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What do you want find about the chemical elements?
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* Electronegativity
* Bond enthalpies
* Lattice energies
* Physics
* Pictures
* Allotropes
* Chemistry
* Crystal structures
* Thermochemistry
* Atoms
* Atom and ion sizes
* Isotopes
* Orbital properties
Explore key information about the chemical elements through this periodic table Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 1
H 2
2 3
Li 4
Be 5
B 6
C 7
N 8
O 9
F 10
3 11
Na 12
Mg 13
Al 14
Si 15
P 16
S 17
Cl 18
4 19
K 20
Ca 21
Sc 22
Ti 23
V 24
Cr 25
Mn 26
Fe 27
Co 28
Ni 29
Cu 30
Zn 31
Ga 32
Ge 33
As 34
Se 35
Br 36
5 37
Rb 38
Sr 39
Y 40
Zr 41
Nb 42
Mo 43
Tc 44
Ru 45
Rh 46
Pd 47
Ag 48
Cd 49
In 50
Sn 51
Sb 52
Te 53
I 54
6 55
Cs 56
Ba * 71
Lu 72
Hf 73
Ta 74
W 75
Re 76
Os 77
Ir 78
Pt 79
Au 80
Hg 81
Tl 82
Pb 83
Bi 84
Po 85
At 86
7 87
Fr 88
Ra ** 103
Lr 104
Rf 105
Db 106
Sg 107
Bh 108
Hs 109
Mt 110
Ds 111
Rg 112
Cp 113
Uut 114
Uuq 115
Uup 116
Uuh 117
Uus 118
*Lanthanoids * 57
La 58
Ce 59
Pr 60
Nd 61
Pm 62
Sm 63
Eu 64
Gd 65
Tb 66
Dy 67
Ho 68
Er 69
Tm 70
**Actinoids ** 89
Ac 90
Th 91
Pa 92
U 93
Np 94
Pu 95
Am 96
Cm 97
Bk 98
Cf 99
Es 100
Fm 101
Md 102
Element 112 shall be named copernicium
Proposed name honours astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus
In honour of scientist and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), the discovering team around Professor Sigurd Hofmann suggested the name copernicium with the element symbol Cp for the new element 112, discovered at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (Center for Heavy Ion Research) in Darmstadt. It was Copernicus who discovered that the Earth orbits the Sun, thus paving the way for our modern view of the world. Thirteen years ago, element 112 was discovered by an international team of scientists at the GSI accelerator facility. A few weeks ago, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPAC, officially confirmed their discovery. In around six months, IUPAC will officially endorse the new element's name. This period is set to allow the scientific community to discuss the suggested name copernicium before the IUPAC naming.
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